SheLeadsTech & SIGS Women in Cyber Dinner

When:  Aug 22, 2024 from 18:00 to 21:00 (CET)
Associated with  Switzerland Chapter

SheLeadsTech is pleased to partner with SIGS to co-organize the 4th SIGS Women in Cyber Dinner, which will take place on 22nd of August at Bauschänzli in Zurich. The aim of this event format is to bring together the power women in the Swiss Cyber Security Landscape for an informal dinner without any sponsors or presentations. Just a private get-together to exchange business cards and find new contacts with similar interests and challenges and thus expand your own network.
Every lady pays herself and stays as long as she likes. If you register, please let us know if something comes up and you cannot attend. We have to make a reservation at the location and need to know the number of attendants.

We are looking forward to seeing you there for some great networking!


Bauschänzli, Zurich
Zurich, 8001


Andrea Tribelhorn