1st Quarterly Chapter Meeting for 2021: Achieving Safer Network Security - A Zero - Trust Approach

When:  Apr 9, 2021 from 12:00 to 13:00 (BO)
Associated with  Trinidad & Tobago Chapter

Achieving Safer Network Security : A Zero- Trust Approach 

Join us this month for our 1st Chapter Meeting for 2021. 

Presenter Bio

Pablo Herrera, Cyber Security Specialist
Pablo Herrera is responsible for accelerating cyber security frameworks in organizations across the Caribbean region. With more than 9 years of experience in the IT field, Pablo maintains cyber security as a pillar on the design of architectural approaches to organizational business outcomes in order to obtain integrity, confidentiality and availability of the critical information and assets. 

CPE Hours: 1



Online Instructions:
Url: http://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_M82bZ-mHQSKYRXh3noAvxg
Login: Click on the link below to Register.
Event Image


ISACA T&T Chapter
