Webinar - How Can I Use Blockchain Technology Securely?

When:  Oct 29, 2021 from 10:00 to 11:00 (BOT)
Associated with  Trinidad & Tobago Chapter

ISACA Trinidad and Tobago wishes everyone to be safe in these COVID-19 times, as we continue to practice social distancing protocols. Blockchain has been a topic of interest over the past few years. Blockchain technology is based on distributed and secure protocols that allow data blocks to be generated, added and validated by the network and provide security guarantees such as immutability.  To help our members and fellow colleagues understand this technology, the Chapter is pleased to present the webinar titled, Blockchain Technology and Security.  


Blockchain technology is based on distributed and secure protocols that allow data blocks to be generated, added and validated by the network and provide security guarantees such as immutability. Many industries can potentially benefit from blockchain technology innovations related to data access, security and managing transactions within digital platforms. The amount of innovation under the blockchain umbrella is remarkable and introduces novel and exciting bug classes around a variety of areas such as consensus implementations, protocols and cryptography and must be accounted as part of a blockchain deployment. 


Learning Objectives

During this session, Mr Javed Samuel of Pinaka Consulting Ltd. will review some of these bug classes and how they have been mitigated. We would also have some thoughts on possible areas that could be sources of blockchain related bugs in the future.


Attendance Cost


Facilitator Bio
Javed Samuel, CBDC & Blockchain Lead

Mr. Javed Samuel has over 15 years of relevant experience in computer security industry, 5 years of blockchain experience and 2.5 years in CBDCs. He obtained a Masters in Engineering (MEng) and BSc in Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he completed a number of computer security and cryptography classes. He also has a BSc in Management Science with a concentration in Operations Research and minors in Economics and Mathematics from MIT. He was the recipient of the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship and completed a Masters in Science (MSc) in Applied and Computational Mathematics at Oxford University. Javed’s professional computer security experience has been across a range of industries, and he has worked with startups to Fortune 500. His work has included assessments on Blockchain platforms and involves reviewing functionality, such as smart contract execution environment, consensus protocols for nodes on the network, transaction processing or secure crypto-currency token storage. He also devotes some time to research interests and have presented at various security conferences and workshops including Blackhat, AT&T CyberSecurity, BlueHat, SecureWorld, InfraGuard, Voice of Blockchain , ICMC, ISACA, Geek Week and OWASP. He currently serves as Technical Consultant on the ECCB’s DCash project.

CPE Hours

Earn 1 credit for attending this session.


Online Instructions:
Url: http://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkf-qqpjgiH9SHorGUZX7vzywGcLzJpIb1
Login: Once you register, an email link will be sent to the email used during the registration process. This link will be used to identify you when you are attending the webinar.
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ISACA T&T Chapter
