Sa zadovoljstvom najavljujemo da će se u organizaciji Udruženja ISACA Beograd održati obuka:
Osnove računarstva ”u oblaku“ / Cloud Fundamentals
9. i 10. septembar 2023. godine
9.00 – 17.00 (ukupno 14 CPE)
Za pohađanje obuke nisu neophodna posebna znanja i iskustvo.
Program obuke prilagođen je polaznicima sa osnovnim nivoom računarskog znanja. Obuka je namenjena svima koji žele da se upoznaju sa osnovama računarstva “u oblaku”, unaprede svoja trenutna znanja u toj oblasti, ili razmišljaju o promeni karijere. Obuku mogu da prate i studenti. Obuka ujedno predstavlja i pripremu polaznika koji žele da polažu ispit za sticanje ISACA-inog Cloud Fundamentals sertifikata.
Obuku će održati Dušan Žikić, akreditovani trener od strane ISACA/APMG, po akreditovanom programu ISACA. Obuka će biti sprovedena uz korišćenje originalnih prezentacionih materijala ISACA na engleskom jeziku, dok će predavanja biti na srpskom jeziku.
Cena obuke:
Za uplate iz Srbije
- za članove Udruženja ISACA Beograd – 23.500,00 RSD
- za ostale zainteresovane kandidate – 29.375,00 RSD
Za uplate iz inostranstva
- za članove Udruženja ISACA Beograd – 200 €
- za ostale zainteresovane kandidate – 250 €
Za prijave do 15.08.2023. odobravamo popust od 20% za sve prijavljene.
Broj mesta je ograničen na 20 polaznika. U slučaju nedovoljnog interesovanja, zadržavamo pravo daotkažemo obuku 3 radna dana pre početka obuke.
Obuka će se održati putem Zoom-a. Link za uključenje biće dostavljen prijavljenim kandidatima do dana početka obuke, na imejl adresu navedenu u prijavi. Snimak obuke neće biti dostupan.
„Osnove računarstva u oblaku / Cloud fundamentals“
Agenda po danima:Dan 1 (9. septembar 2023.)
- Define cloud technology
- Articulate the characteristics and benefits of cloud computing
- Identify the:
o Components of a cloud solution
o Benefits of virtualization
o Reasons why virtualization is implemented
- Describe the risks associated with virtualization
- Explain the considerations for cloud service implementation
- Describe the considerations for migrating data to the cloud
- Distinguish between cloud deployment models
- Identify the considerations for choosing cloud deployment and service model
- Distinguish between the SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS models
- Describe the benefits of using cloud services
- Identify niche cloud services
- Explain solution stack
- List the layers of a cloud stack
- Describe the decisions to implement solution stacks
- Describe the need for cloud governance
- Identify the requirements for cloud governance
- Explain how cloud solutions meet business drivers of organizations
- Identify the strategic value of cloud computing for an organization
- Identify the risks associated with cloud solutions
- Describe the measures to manage risks to cloud solutions
- Identify the focus areas of Service Organization Control (SOC) 3 reports and Cloud Access security brokers (CASBs)
Dan 2 (10. septembar 2023.)
- Describe the need and considerations for carefully selecting cloud vendors
- Identify the target outcomes and roles of cloud vendor management
- Describe the desired measures for a cloud service provider (CSP)’s performance
- Describe the activities in service level monitoring, Identity and Access Management (IAM),and vulnerability management
- Identify the need for the portability of cloud services
- Explain the challenges associated with porting cloud services
- Identify the principles for validating cloud solutions
- Identify the possible impact of a misconfiguration of a cloud solution
- Explain the importance of the efficient management of cloud resources
- State the policies for managing cloud resources
- Describe the targets for load balancing on the cloud
- Explain the expectations for maintaining the availability of cloud storage and data
- Describe the considerations for preparing Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) and Disaster Recovery Plans (DRPs)