Chapter Privacy Policy


This Notice of Privacy Rights was last updated on February 25, 2016.

ISACA-CMC takes the privacy and protection of personal information for you very seriously. By choosing to visit, your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Notice of Privacy Rights (“Notice”), including limitations on damages, resolution of disputes, and application of the law of the State of Maryland. By use of this website, you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information as set forth in this Notice. If you have any concern about privacy at, please contact us and we will try to address your concern. As the mission and scope of ISACA-CMC continues to evolve, we reserve the right to amend this Notice at any time.

A. Personal Information.

ISACA-CMC is a local chapter of the national professional association known as Information Systems Audit and Control Association, Inc. It does not engage in any activity or offer any service rendering it a financial institution under applicable Maryland or Federal law. ISACA-CMC does not do business in any State or federal jurisdiction other than the State of Maryland. Payments made through this website are administered through a third party service provider. In accepting payment, ISACA-CMC’s third party servicer may by necessity collect certain information through this website that constitutes “Personal Information” as defined under the Maryland Personal Information Protection Act. This third party servicer is required by contract to adhere to all provisions of Maryland law relating to the use of the limited Personal Information that may be collected. ISACA-CMC does not maintain a separate record of any Personal Information provided through this website. If have concerns relating to the disclosure of your Personal Information, you should not make use of the payment function provided through this website.

B. Disclosure of Personal Information.

Under no circumstances are you to disclose any Personal Information to ISACA-CMC through the services provided on this website, other than for the limited purpose described in Section A of this Notice. Any additional disclosure of Personal Information is unauthorized, and you agree by use of this website that ISACA-CMC shall bear no liability to you or your agents, successors, or assigns for such unsolicited disclosure. If you believe that you have wrongfully or inadvertently disclosed Personal Information to ISACA-CMC, you agree, through use of this website, to immediately contact ISACA-CMC to resolve the matter as a condition precedent to commencing any legal action. In addition, in the event that ISACA-CMC discovers that Personal Information has been wrongly provided by you to ISACA-CMC, it may at its sole discretion elect to destroy such Personal Information by any reasonable means.

C. Dispute Over Personal Information.

In the event a dispute arises between you and ISACA-CMC with regard to the use or disclosure of your Personal Information, you and ISACA-CMC agree that such dispute shall be governed under the laws of the State of Maryland, and that any legal action shall be brought in the appropriate District or Circuit Court for the State of Maryland, or in the appropriate Federal District Court for the District of Maryland. In addition, you agree to waive the right to trial by jury in any such legal action. To the extent authorized under Maryland or Federal law, by use of this website you waive any and all right to consequential or special damages regarding any claim relating to Personal Information, and agree that the extent of your damages shall be limited to actual damages incurred.