Online medlemsmøde 9. juni

When:  Jun 9, 2020 from 16:00 to 17:00 (DK)
Associated with  Denmark Chapter
Da vi jo p.t. ikke kan afholde medlemsmøder på sædvanlig vis vil vi i stedet invitere til vores andet online medlemsmøde.

Webinaret bliver afholdt 9. juni kl. 16 til 17 med følgende emne:

New world IT Governance:  Top tips to transitioning to the new normal in the context of privacy, cybersecurity and IT governance systems
In March, eleven global experts held a series of three webinars focusing on new world IT Governance. The topics addressed privacy, cybersecurity and IT governance systems in a post-pandemic.  Join us in this enlightening session as Mark Thomas shares what he learned from these experts and offers some guidance and suggestions on areas you should be focusing on now to ensure that your IT governance system is prepared for a post-pandemic environment. 

Mark Thomas, CGEIT, CRISC
Mark is an internationally known Governance, Risk and Compliance expert specializing in information assurance, IT strategy and service management. With over 28 years of professional experience Mark has a wide array of industry experience including government, health care, finance and banking, manufacturing, and technology services. He has held roles spanning from CIO to IT consulting and is considered a thought leader in frameworks such as COBIT, NIST, ITIL and multiple ISO standards. Mark routinely speaks at US and international conferences and earned the ISACA John Kuyers award twice for Best Speaker/Conference contributor. Mark also holds the CGEIT and CRISC certifications.  

Praktisk information:
Tidspunkt: 9. juni kl. 16-17
Lokation: Online via Microsoft Teams, link sendes til tilmeldte dagen før mødet
Tilmelding: Til Jesper Parsberg Madsen via email til
CPE: 1


Jesper Parsberg Madsen