January President's Message

President’s Message


I hope that everyone had a great time attending the December joint IIA/ISACA event. We had a lot of fun. We teamed up with Gleaners to battle food insecurity. We were able to collect two huge boxes of nonperishable food and collected over $900 in online donations. We were proud to have the opportunity to raffle off a $25 gift card to those that participated, and I am pleased to announce that Jim Cramer was the lucky winner. A special thank you to Juman Doleh-Alomary for coordinating this effort.

In addition to the food donations, those that attended in-person were able to guess the number of candies in the jar. The jar was jampacked with 468 Hersey’s kisses and Nuha Sabeu was the winner with a guess of 328. Congratulations Nuba!

The group was entertained with a wonderful holiday auditor song from Eulonda Whitmore (IIA President) and ISACA’s own Juman Doleh-Alomary. If you have not seen their wonderful song it is posted. 

The evening was not complete without our wonderful speakers from KPMG and Deloitte to provide us some valuable information. Christian Kon & Kirsten VanderGraaff from KPMG share Changes in NIST CSF 2.0/Secure Digital Transformation and Goran Ristovski, Deloitte shared an overview of Secure Digital Transformation. Thank you to all our speakers for the time and effort put into their presentation.

Are you in need of CPEs? Did you know that when you volunteer to assist the ISACA Detroit Chapter that you could receive up to 20 CPE credits annually for active participation? If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please reach out to us at isaca.detroit.chapter@gmail.com. We are looking to engage members to develop our chapter and meet new people.

Our January meeting should be a lot of fun as well so I hope to see people in-person if you can. It will be at MSU in Troy. Please visit our events page if you have not already received the email to register.

Please remember that ISACA membership is due and you should have received renewal notices in the mail but if not, please visit ISACA.org under your profile for renewal information.

We also hope that you will take advantage of the polling questions we are posting monthly. They help us obtain your feedback to make the chapter stronger. These are located on our website If there is anything new or different that you would like to see this year, please let me know.

Welcome to 2024!

Carrie Schrader