Contacts / Connections
Communities / Discussions
Library / Resources
Expert Directory
Video Tutorials
General | Top
Q: What is my username/password?
A: Login with your ISACA user name and password. If you have forgotten your login credentials or need assistance with your login information, please click
Q: How do I update my contact information?
A: On your profile page, please select the pencil icon next to "Contact Details" in the left column. This will redirect you back to to update your profile. Community notifications can be personalized within the system by going to your Profile and selecting "My Account" and then "Community Notifications." Email updates specific to community notifications will not alter your other ISACA communication preferences.
Q: How do I control what information is visible in My Profile?
A: Please navigate to your profile page, then select the "My Account" tab and choose "Privacy Settings" from the drop-down menu. This will let you control what information is visible to whom. After you’ve made changes, click the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page. By default all ISACA Members are included in the Member Directory. You may opt out using the toggle at the top of your profile. It is recommended that this remains set to YES in order to be included in chapter rosters and enjoy the full functionality of the community engagement. Nonmembers are not visible in the Member Directory but will appear in community rosters if they join an Online Forum or Special Interest Group.
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Q: How do I update my profile?
A: Go to your profile by clicking on your image or avatar in the upper right corner of the screen. The first page you land on is your
My ISACA Profile which contains information that is maintained in your profile on The edit links will take you back to to ensure that your information is consistent and accurate.
Click on the My Profile menu to access your
Volunteer Profile. This information is all edited within the Volunteers and Communities portal.
On the left side of your profile you can add a professional profile picture. Currently the pictures in your profile on aren't able to be displayed in this portal but that is an enhancement ISACA is working on.
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Contacts / Connections | Top
Q: How do I find other members?
A: If you are an ISACA Member, click the "Directory” link found in the main navigation bar. The Directory lets you search for other ISACA Members based on:
- First and/or last name
- Company/Institution name
- Email address
Only ISACA staff have access to the "Advanced Search" tab.
Nonmembers are not visible in the Member Directory but will appear in community rosters if they join an Online Forum or Special Interest Group.
Q: How do I add contacts to my contact list?
A: There are several ways to add contacts. When you perform a search in the Member Directory or in the community roster, you will see an “Add as contact” button to the right of each person in your search results if they have it enabled. Just click this button to send a contact request. If you click through and view an individual’s profile, you can click the contact request link to the right of his or her profile picture. Be sure to turn on the Add As Contact functionality for your profile within your
privacy settings so other members can connect with you.
View your contacts from your profile by clicking on My Connections >
Manage Contacts.
Q: Why should I add contacts to my contact list?
A: Creating this virtual address book makes it easy to send your
contacts messages through the community site to stay in touch, ask questions or even build a referral network. Additionally, when you view another member’s profile, you’ll be able to see any contacts you have in common. You can also choose to let your contacts view certain demographics in your profile that others can't.
Communities / Discussions | Top
Q: What are communities?
A: Communities allow you to participate in discussions and share resources with other members. Typically ISACA membership is not required to participate in Online Forums or Special Interest Groups, although users must be logged in and have joined the community in order to post discussions or library files.
Online Forums are for sharing professional questions and answers as well as certification exam preparation tips.
Special Interest Groups are groups of like-minded individuals who have a common interest such as SheLeadsTech.
ISACA Members are automatically included in their Chapter Community which gives you access to certain members-only materials.
Q: What communities do I already belong to?
A: Go to “Communities” in the main navigation bar. Select “My Communities” to view the communities you currently belong to.
Q: How do I join/subscribe to a community and the affiliated discussion group?
A: Click on “Communities” in the main navigation and click on “All Communities” in order to see a list of available communities. Click on the community that you wish to join and simply click "Join," then choose a delivery option for posts (Real Time, Daily Digest or No Email).
Q: How can I control the frequency and format of emails I receive?
A: Navigate to your profile and click on the "My Account" tab. Choose "Community Notifications" from the drop-down menu. On that page, there are subscription options: Real Time, Daily Digest, No Email. There are also two consolidated delivery options.
For each discussion, you have the following delivery options:
- Real time: sends an email every time a new message is posted.
- Daily digest: sends one email to you each day, consolidating all of the posts from the previous day.
- No Email: allows you to be part of the group without having emails sent to you. You can still post and read others’ messages by logging into the community site.
You can also choose to consolidate all of your discussion forum digests into one
daily consolidated email, or
weekly consolidated email.
If you start a new discussion thread or respond to someone else's post, you will automatically be subscribed to real time notifications for that specific thread. You will see a star icon next to the title of the post that indicates you are subscribed when it is filled in. To unsubscribe to that post click the star so that it is not filled in. You can also subscribe to any other thread you are interested in following closely even if you are not ready to participate by clicking the star so it is filled in.
If you do not want to receive ANY real-time notifications when a post is updated, navigate to My Profile > My Account > Email Preferences and toggle 'Participation' to NO.
Q: How do I leave a community or unsubscribe from a discussion?
A: Go to your profile and click on the "My Account" tab. Choose "Community Notifications" from the drop-down menu. Here, you will see a list of available communities and those to which you’ve subscribed. Select "Leave Community” under the Actions column for the discussions you wish to leave.
Q: How do I respond to others’ posts?
A: To respond to a discussion post, please navigate to the discussion post and click “Reply” to send your message to the entire community. To send a message to the only author of the post, please select “Reply Privately” (located in the "Reply" drop-down). We recommend replying to the sender for simple comments like “me, too” that add little value to the overall discussion; and replying to the entire community when you are sharing knowledge, experience or resources that others could benefit from.
Q: How do I start a new discussion thread?
A: Go to the Online Forum/Special Interest Group discussion > “Post a message.” From an email (HTML version) for a particular discussion forum, you can use the “Post Message” link located at the top of the discussion email.
Q: Can I save a discussion post as a draft and return to publish it later?
A: Yes! At the bottom of the form click "Save as draft" if you want more time to finish your content and publish it later. When you start typing a new thread or reply, your post will be autosaved at a frequent interval so that you can continue to work in case of the occasional computer or internet issue.
To find your drafts so you can continue and publish your post, go to your Profile page and click on My Contributions > List of contributions. There is a filter that will allow you to sort by your draft posts. Click on the option to continue your post or click delete to remove it.
Q: Can I schedule a post?
A: Yes! At the bottom of the form click "Schedule" and select the date and time that you would like the post to go live.
To find your scheduled posts, go to your Profile page and click on My Contributions > List of contributions. There is a filter that will allow you to sort by your scheduled posts.
Q: How do I follow a thread?
A: You can follow a thread by clicking the star icon at the top of the thread so that it is filled in. You will then receive real time email notifications when other users comment on the post.
To find your followed threads, go to your Profile page and click on My Connections > Following.
Q: I’m having trouble viewing the HTML email messages. How do I fix this?
A: If images are not appearing, it is likely that your email client is set to suppress images. This should be something you can change in your security or viewing options. If you would rather receive text-based email, go to your profile page and click on the "My Account" tab. Choose "Community Notifications" from the drop-down menu. Select the “Plain Text” format option for each of the discussions you are subscribed to.
Q: Can I search for posts across all the communities?
A: Yes, please enter a keyword in the search bar located in the main navigation. To refine your search results, please select "Show Advanced Search".
Q: How do I see a listing of all of the posts to a specific Community?
A: Locate the community you are interested in viewing from the appropriate communities page. Click through the community's landing page, then click on the “Discussions” tab. If you see a post you’re interested in, click the subject line which will take you to the entire thread. “Show Original Message” at the bottom of all of the posts in a thread will display the original message that started that discussion.
Q: What happens if someone posts objectionable content in the discussion or library?
A: ISACA’s online communities are self-moderated. It is expected that all community members abide by the
Code of Conduct they agreed to upon first entering the Volunteers and Communities portal. If you find content objectionable, click on the arrow next to Reply to Discussion and select Mark as Inappropriate. You will be asked to enter your reasoning which will be reviewed by the Topic Leader and/or the ISACA Community Manager who will handle as appropriate.
Libraries | Top
Q: How do I find resources that may have been uploaded by other members?
A: If you know which library the resource might be located in, find the affiliated community via the All Communities page. Click through the community's landing page, then click on the “Library” tab. If you do not know where the resource might be, enter search terms in the main search box the same way you might enter search terms into Google or another search engine.
Q: Can I search for specific file types?
A: Yes. Enter your desired keyword in the main search box. From the search results page, click "Show Advanced Search." Then click on “Search for Specific File Types.” This gives you the option to specify file type: Document, Image, Spreadsheet, etc.
Q: How do the libraries get populated?
A: The libraries are populated in two ways:
1. When you include an attachment in a discussion post, the system automatically places it in the affiliated library.
2. You can also upload documents directly to a library by using the “Share a File” link found under “Participate” in the main navigation or "Create Entry" button on any community's library page. Library resources are not required to be associated with a discussion thread.
Q: How do I upload a file?
A: Select "Create Entry" on any community landing page. Please note that uploading a document is accomplished by completing a few steps, and each step must be completed before you can move on to the next:
- Choose a title for your document, and include a description (optional). Select the library to which you’d like to upload it, and select a folder to which you’d like to upload it (optional). Then, choose an Entry Type (most will be Standard Files, but be cognizant of any copyright licensed material). Once you have completed these steps, please click “Next.”
- Upload your file.
- Select “Next” if you want to further describe your files and/or add tags to your file. Otherwise, please click “Finish” to post your library entry.
Q: What kind of files can I upload?
A: The system supports dozens of file types including hyperlinks, standard files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), webinars, images and YouTube videos.
Q: What happens when I mark a library file as a favorite?
A: Find all of your favorite library files by navigating to Browse on the main navigation menu and then selecting
Favorite Library Entries. This is an easy way to quickly access your files without sorting through all of the communities and content.
Expert Directory | Top
Q: How do I edit my expert profile?
A: Keep your
expert profile up to date to help other community members, ISACA chapters, and organizations identify you as a potential speaker, author, or subject matter expert. Complete your bio and contact information to be eligible to be searchable in the directory. Keep in mind, the more information you are willing to share, the easier it is to connect with potential opportunities and engagements. The Contact Information field will be visible to the general public so you control how prospective clients can contact you. Your ISACA contact information (under your profile picture) does not show up by default to users viewing your profile.
Q: How do I opt in or out of the expert directory?
A: Your name, job title, company, and expert bio are required to be completed before the toggle to opt in or out of the directory appears at the top of your
expert profile. Your name, title, job company and title are managed via your MyISACA profile. You can choose to use your bio from your MyISACA profile or to add a different bio. Ensure the toggle at the top of the profile is set to YES in order to appear in the directory search results. If you do not want to be searchable, simply toggle the button to NO. Control who sees the fields on all of your profiles in the privacy settings. The more you are willing to share on your expert profile, the easier it is for prospective clients to contact you.
Q: How do I find potential speakers for my chapter/company's conferences or educational trainings?
A: You must be logged into Engage to see the "Directory" menu option and access the
Expert Directory, but access is not limited only to ISACA Members (like the Member Directory is.) Search by name, topic, or location to see results. Partial input will yield results matching that phrase.
Remember that all expert profiles are self-identified so it is the responsibility of the person contracting with the expert to vet their qualifications. It is recommended that references be requested prior to contracting.
After the engagement has concluded, you may "recommend" the attributes listed on the expert's profile by clicking on the item to upvote it. This is an excellent way to crowdsource support. ISACA does not endorse any expert in the directory or qualify participants.
Volunteer | Top
Q: How do I edit my volunteer profile?
A: Keep your volunteer profile up to date to help ISACA match you with new volunteer opportunities. Profile fields under the MyProfile menu >
Volunteer Profile are fields that are housed in the volunteer management system and can be edited within the portal.
Toggle “Invite me to volunteer when opportunities match my expertise” to YES in order to be added to the volunteer pool. This will allow ISACA to contact you with new volunteer opportunities you may be interested in applying for. Don’t forget to complete your volunteer bio so that your interests will align with some volunteer opportunities.
Q: How do I apply for a volunteer position or nominate others?
A: On the main menu bar, navigate to Volunteer >
Volunteer Opportunities to see a list of active opportunities. Click on the opportunity you are interested in to learn more about the objectives, time commitment, and volunteer criteria. Click “Apply” to complete the application and be considered for an appointment. Some opportunities are labeled as a “pool” of experts, such as translation support, and simply indicates to the staff facilitator that you are interested in participating if/when projects arise. There is no guarantee of an appointment.
If the opportunity allows you to suggest someone for the volunteer role, click the “Nominate” button. If the person you would like to recommend is an ISACA member and has enabled their profile to be searchable in the Member Directory, simply begin typing his/her name or email address in the pop up box. The system will send an email to the person stating that you came across this volunteer opportunity you thought they might be interested in and provides a link back to the description for them to apply if they want.
If the user does not come up in the pop up box, they may have opted out of the Member Directory and we would encourage you to email them outside of the system to let them know there are ways to get involved in ISACA.
Q: How do I claim my CPE hours?
A: After the successful completion of your volunteer role, if you have an ISACA certification ISACA will upload the maximum CPE hours you may claim to your MyISACA account. You may allocate the hours from pending to your certification(s). There may be annual limitations for the volunteer categories, which the system will automatically calculate. You may also download a certificate of participation from MyISACA should you need evidence of your service for your employer or other associations. Not all volunteer opportunities issue CPE hours. It is listed in the role description.
Q: How do I sign the ISACA Participation Agreement?
A: All ISACA International volunteers must have a current ISACA Participation Agreement on file which protects both the volunteer and the organization and speaks to IP rights, liability, confidentiality, etc. To see if you have an ISACA Participation Agreement on file, navigate to your
Volunteer Profile (Profile > My Profile > My Volunteer Profile.) If there is a box at the top that says your Participation Agreement is active there is nothing else you need to do. You can always access all
Volunteer Policies. If you do not have a Participation Agreement on file, when you apply for the role you will receive an email for the system within 24 hours with a link to sign the agreement electronically. This must be completed before ISACA can appoint you to a volunteer position. Some volunteer opportunities may require other agreements such as author agreements or publicity releases. The staff facilitator will handle these offline.
Q: What is the volunteer pool?
A: Being part of the volunteer pool enables ISACA to send you information about new volunteer opportunities we think might align with your interests and availability.
You are always welcome to view the open Volunteer Opportunities webpage and apply, but if you would like ISACA to proactively reach out:
1. Make sure your Volunteer Profile is complete by navigating to Profile > My Profile >
My Volunteer Profile, and
2. Ensure the toggle at the top of the page is switched to “YES” next to Invite Me to Volunteer When Opportunities Match My Expertise.
When ISACA posts new opportunities, you may receive an email inviting you to learn more and apply directly if you are interested and available. There is never pressure to apply as new opportunities are posted regularly, and it is not a guarantee of the appointment.
Video Tutorials | Top
Video Tutorials
Q: How do I manage my privacy settings?
Q: How do I manage my profile and volunteer profile?