Dear Members,
ISACA Malaysia Chapter is organizing this 2-days physical workshop with hands-on exercises on auditing of SAP application – focusing on Basis Security and FICO application controls. The trainer will share with you key area of focus when auditing Basis and FICO modules, covering key IT application controls (ITAC), Authorization Concepts and Security Configurations, to make sure you will be able to effectively audit an SAP system. The trainer has in-depth and valuable working experience with SAP technical skills and knowledge to complement their training delivery.
SAP Audit is necessary for each organization and are vital to securing the system and protecting data integrity. In case of a system fails the audit, the consequences to the organization can be critical both financially and operationally.
Training will be conducted by trainers who have valuable working experience with SAP technical skills and knowledge to complement their training delivery. The trainers will focus on the key domains of SAP Basis and FICO modules, including some hands-on exercises to allow you to familiarise with the authorisation concepts and ITAC embedded within SAP.
Date : 22nd – 23rd January 2024
Time : 9.00am – 5.00pm
Venue : TBC
Attendees are eligible for 14 CPE hours.
You would be able to find the training brochure at our chapter’s engage:
Please register early to secure yourself a seat through RSVP at our chapter’s engage site or you could reach us for further questions via email at or phone at +6017-2196225.
Thank you.
On behalf of the ISACA Malaysia BOD 2023/2024