ISACA Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary

We’ve come a long way in 50 years. From our start as the Electronic Data Processing Auditors Association (EDPAA) with a single chapter in Los Angeles, California, USA, to more than 220 chapters in 95 countries today, ISACA has not only expanded across the globe, but also continuously innovated in its industry resources and guidance, served as a cutting-edge thought leader and provided generations of IT and information systems professionals with the credentials and professional development tools to advance their careers and the profession.
This year, we not only commemorate ISACA’s 50th anniversary milestone, but also celebrate the individuals across ISACA’s history who have made this organization what it is today and continue to advance the organization’s vision and impact. ISACA members can find photos, videos, podcasts, stories and more about ISACA’s past and future at the new 50th anniversary website: Members can also submit their own stories, memories, photos or other files, as well as engage on social media using the hashtag #ISACA50 in their own posts or by participating in ISACA’s upcoming social media campaigns throughout the year. In addition, members will celebrate ISACA’s anniversary at all CACS conferences in 2019 and will be united across the world during ISACA’s first day of service during this anniversary year.
#WeAreOne #WeAre50
One of the first EDP guides to auditing and electronic data processing, published in 1961.