ISACA Networking Event / Holiday Drinks and Nibbles NEW LOCATION - See posting for details

When:  Nov 27, 2020 from 16:30 to 19:00 (NZST)
Associated with  Wellington Chapter

Year-end chapter thank you to our members and members of IIANZ. Come join us for free drinks and nibbles and catch up with your professional colleagues at our Friday, 27 November Networking event directly after the Education Day.

You do not have to attend the Education Day (but we hope you do!) to come to the drinks and nibbles.

To register for the Networking Event / Holiday Drinks and Nibbles, please click the RSVP button below.

Find out more about Education Day (one of the most cost-effective ways to earn 7 CPE!) and learn from and engage with our speakers. Register here.

Please email any questions to


Trade Kitchen
Same building as KPMG, just ground level restaurant) - 10 Customhouse Quay

Pricing Information

Registration Price
All Registrants $0.00
Event Image