ISACA Wellington Chapter Annual General Meeting 2024

ISACA Wellington Chapter Annual General Meeting 2024

Welcome to the information page for the 2024 AGM. On this page you will find details about how to attend and register for the AGM, which Board positions are being voted for and how the nomination and election processes work.

Refer to our Chapter Bylaws or email the Secretary at for more information.

Where is the AGM being held? Is there catering? 

The AGM is being held in the normal Monthly Networking Forum venue:

Level 6
44 Bowen Street

The AGM is also able to be accessed virtually via Microsoft Teams ( Meeting ID: 397 769 558 181 Passcode: t8qfdt )

A light lunch will be provided free of charge to Wellington Chapter Members* who attend in person.

Who can attend the AGM? Do I have to register?

You must be a Wellington Chapter Member* to attend the AGM.

Please register for the AGM via the ISACA Wellington Website events page. Only registered ISACA Wellington Members* will be able to vote in the Election.

What is being voted for at the AGM?

The four Board Officer positions are being voted in at the AGM (and the incumbents) are::

  • President (Jonathan Rawiri, re-standing),
  • Vice President (Mike Binkhorst, re-standing),
  • Treasurer (Parakum Pathirana Acting Treasurer, standing down) and
  • Secretary (Derek Nelson, standing down).

The Term for the positions is two (2) years, and a specific officer position can only be held for two consecutive terms.

Refer to our Chapter Bylaws for more information on the positions. Further information is available on request.

Who is eligible to vote? How do I vote?

If you are a Wellington Chapter Member*, you are eligible to vote in the Election.

We will be using the Election Buddy online tool to run the Election.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Ensure you have access to a device (charged laptop or smartphone) that you can access your ISACA-registered email with and attend the AGM (in person or online) to vote in the Election. Only Members* registered on the Website will receive the voting link. 

How do nominations work? Who can be nominated, and how?

We are interested in seeking nominations from those interested in joining ISACA Wellington as an Officer of the Board, and as such this is an incredible opportunity to build your professional network both within New Zealand and with other ISACA colleagues overseas.

If you are a "Full" Wellington Chapter Member*, you are eligible to be nominated for any of the positions being voted for.

You may be nominated by another member, or you may nominate yourself for any of the positions to be elected.

A nominated Member must email the Nominating Committee with their intention to stand in the Election, by:

Nominations can be received before the AGM or "from the floor" during the AGM but must be accompanied by completed Willingness to Serve and Conflict of Interest forms before your nomination will be accepted.

How will the Election work?

The Election will be run during the AGM. We will be using the Election Buddy on-line tool to facilitate the voting process for the Election (

Members* who have registered for the AGM via the ISACA Wellington Website Events page will be sent a unique link to Election Buddy tool to their ISACA-registered email address. Further instructions will be given at the AGM.

IMPORTANT NOTE (re-iterated): Ensure you have access to a device (charged laptop or smartphone) that you can access your ISACA-registered email with and attend the AGM (in person or online) to vote in the Election. Only Members* registered on the Website will receive the voting link. 

* An ISACA Wellington Chapter Member, eligible to vote, means that you are a current ISACA Member in good standing who has paid the Wellington Chapter dues as part of your ISACA membership. A "Full" Member, eligible to be nominated, does not include a Student Member or any other concession Member.