Bylaws of ISACA Fukuoka Chapter
Effective: 2019/6/30
Article I. Name
The name of this non-union, non-profit organization shall be ISACA Fukuoka Chapter, hereinafter referred to as “Chapter”, a Chapter affiliated with the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), hereinafter referred to as the “Association”. Although the Chapter is affiliated with the Association and is subject to the Chapter Affiliation Agreement and other directives of the ISACA Board of Directors, the Chapter is a legally independent entity from the Association as well as any other association, enterprise, or entity, and is responsible for its own legal and administrative affairs, including compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
第1条 名称
この非企業団体、非営利団体の名称はISACA福岡支部(以下、「支部」とする)とし、支部は情報システムコントロール協会(Information Systems Audit and Control Association, ISACA)(以下、「協会」とする)に加盟している。支部は協会と提携しており、支部提携契約およびISACA理事会の他の指令の対象となっていますが、支部は他の協会、企業、または団体と同様に協会から法的に独立した団体です。 適用されるすべての法律および規制の遵守を含め、独自の法務および管理業務に責任を負います。
Article II. Purpose
Chapter’s Purpose
The primary purpose of the Chapter is to promote the education of individuals for the improvement and development of their capabilities relating to the auditing of, management consulting in, or direct management of the fields of IT governance, IS audit, security, control and assurance.
The objectives of the Chapter are:
・ To promote the education of, and help expand the knowledge and skills of its members in the interrelated fields of IT governance, IS audit, security, control and assurance;
・ To encourage an open exchange of IT governance, IS audit, security, control, and assurance techniques, approaches, and problem solving by its members;
・ To promote adequate communication to keep members abreast of current events in IT governance, IS audit, security, control and assurance that can be of benefit to them and their employers;
・ To communicate to management, auditors, universities, and to IS professionals the importance of establishing controls necessary to ensure proper IT governance and the effective organization and utilization of IT resources; and
・ To promote the Association’s professional certifications and IT governance.
第2条 目的
・ 教育の促進により、ITガバナンス、情報システム監査、セキュリティ、コントロールと保証に関連する領域における会員の知識と能力の向上を助けること
・ ITガバナンス、情報システム監査、セキュリティ、コントロール、保証に関する技能、アプローチ、会員自身による問題解決について、オープンな意見交換を促進すること
・ 会員や会員の雇用主の利益となるような、ITガバナンス、情報システム監査、セキュリティ、コントロールと保証に関する最新の事象に遅れないよう、適切な情報のやりとりを促進すること
・ 適切なITガバナンスを確立するために必要なコントロール、効果的な組織ならびにIT資源の利用に関する重要性について、管理者、監査人、学生、ITの専門家と交流を図ること
・ 協会の専門資格ならびにITガバナンスを推進すること
Article III. Membership and Dues
Section 1. Classifications and Qualifications
Membership in the Association is a requirement for membership in a Chapter.
A. Member — any member of the Association interested in the purpose and objectives of the Chapter as stated in Article II shall be eligible for membership in the Chapter, and the Association, subject to rules established by the Association Board. Members shall be entitled to vote and to hold office at the Chapter level.
B. Retired Member — any member of the Association, who presents proof of retirement status, subject to rules established by the Association Board. Retired members shall be entitled to vote and hold office at the Chapter level.
C. Student Member — full time student currently enrolled in a degree program of an accredited college or university, subject to rules established by the Association Board. Student members shall be entitled to vote and hold office at the Chapter level.
D. Recent Graduate—Individuals who graduated within the last two years from a recognized college or university, subject to rules established by the Association Board. Recent Graduate members shall be entitled to vote and hold office at the Chapter level.
第3条 会員と会費
第1項 区分と資格
A. 会員 - 協会の(理事会によって定められた)規則で定められる、協会ならびに支部会員となる資格があり、第2条に掲げる目的に興味を示す者。会員は選挙ならびに支部の役職に就く資格を与えられる。
B. 定年退職者会員 - 協会の(理事会によって定められた)規則で定められる、退職の証拠を提示した会員。定年退職会員は選挙ならびに支部の役職に就く資格を与えられる。
C. 学生会員 - 協会の(理事会によって定められた)規則で定められる、単科大学または総合大学に在学中の学生。学生会員は選挙ならびに支部の役職に就く資格を与えられる。
D. 最近卒業した会員 - 協会の(理事会によって定められた)規則によって定められた規則に従って、過去2年以内に公認の専門学校または大学を卒業した個人。 最近卒業した会員は、選挙ならびに支部の役職に就く資格を与えられる。
Section 2. Admission
A. Potential members shall:
1. Meet the requirements of membership as outlined in Article III, Section 1.
2. Complete an Association membership application form.
3. Pay required Chapter and Association dues to the Association.
4. Follow the Code of Professional Ethics of the Association.
B. Membership in the Chapter shall be conferred upon an individual when the Association has accepted the membership application and received the required Association dues, fees, and assessments for that individual, and the Association or individual designates the Chapter.
第2項 入会
A. 会員候補者は以下を遵守しなければならない。
1. 第3章 第1項に示される会員資格の要求事項を満たすこと。
2. 協会の会員申請書に所定の事項を全て記入すること。
3. 協会から請求される支部と協会の会費を支払うこと。
4. 協会の職業倫理規約に従うこと。
B. 支部の会員資格は、協会が会員申請を受理し、その協会に必要な会費、手数料、および査定を受領し、協会または個人が支部を指名するときに、個人に授与されるものとする。
Section 3. Dues
A. Chapter dues shall be payable on or before 1 January of each year, in an amount determined by the Chapter Board, plus Association dues. Dues and fees must be paid in full to the Association.
B. A member shall forfeit membership in the Chapter and Association, if dues,fees or assessments havenot been paid to the Association in compliance with terms as set by the Association Board of Directors and to the Chapter as required.
C. Any additional Chapter dues or assessments that is paid directly to the Chapter must be pre-approved by the Association Board.
D. Resignation — any member who resigns shall not be entitled to a refund of his/her annual Association membership or Chapter dues.
第3項 会費
A. 支部の理事会が決定した金額に協会の会費を加えたものを、毎年1月1日迄に支払われるものとする。会費と手数料は協会に全額支払わなければなりません。
B. 会費、手数料、または査定が協会理事会によって定められた条件に従って協会に、また必要に応じて支部に支払われなかった場合、会員は支部および協会の会員資格を失うものとする。
C. 支部に直接支払われる支部会費や査定については、協会理事会の承認を受けなければなりません。
D. 退会する如何なる会員にも、年会費または支部会費の返還資格を与えないものとする。
Section 4. Termination and Suspension
A. Only the Association has the authority to terminate Association and Chapter membership of an individual.
B. Termination of membership in the Association, for whatever reason, shall automatically terminate membership in the Chapter.
C. A person whose membership in the Association has been suspended shall not be deemed a member of the Chapter during the period of suspension.
第4項 終了および停止
Article IV. Chapter Meetings
Section 1. Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the Chapter membership shall be held every three months unless otherwise ordered by the Chapter Board and shall be for the purpose of conducting the regular business of the chapter.
第4条 支部会議
第1項 定例会議
Section 2. Educational sessions
Educational sessions of the Chapter membership shall be held every three months unless otherwise ordered by the Chapter Board.
第2項 教育委員会
Section 3. Annual General Meeting
The annual general meeting shall be held in May and shall be for the purpose of electing officers, receiving reports of officers and committees, and for any other business that may arise. The date and location of the annual general meeting shall be determined by the Chapter Board.
第3項 年次総会
Section 4. Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the President, the Chapter Board or upon written request by 10 of the members. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call.
第4項 臨時総会
Section 5. Mail or Electronic Voting
If required, paper mail or electronic means may be used for the purposes of membership voting on resolutions approved by the Chapter Board, and such correspondence will be considered a special meeting for the purposes of these bylaws.
第5項 メール投票、電子投票
Section 6. Quorum for Chapter Meetings
The quorum for regular,annual general or special meeting shall be 10 members. In absence of quorum, the meeting will be adjourned, and reconvened one week later, unless otherwise determined by the Chapter Board. The new date and time will be communicated to members.
第6項 支部会議の定足数
Section 7. Act of the Membership
The affirmative vote of the majority of the members present and voting at any chapter meeting shall constitute an act of the membership.
第7項 会員の活動
Section 8. Notification
Members shall be notified 30 days in advance of the annual general meeting. Members shall be notified at least 10 days in advance of any regular meetings or special meetings, except in case of emergency. Notification may be by postal mail, by email or by telephone.
第8項 通知
Article V. Chapter Officers
Section 1. Chapter Officers
The Officers of the Chapter shall be 7 or more and not more than 12 in number, constituting President, Vice President, Immediate Past President (not applicable until the initial president is replaced by the successor), Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director, Communication Director, CISA Certification Director ,CISM Certification Director,IT Governance Director, and up to 2 Directors-at-Large.
第5条 支部役員
第1項 支部役員
Section 2. Term of Chapter Officers
A. The Chapter Officers, except the immediate Past President, shall be elected for a term of 2 years, or until their successors are elected and assume office, or until they resign or are removed from office. The term of office shall begin at the close of the annual meeting at which they are elected.
B. No member shall hold more than 4 Chapter offices at a time, and no member shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same Chapter office.
第2項 役員の任期
A. 前会長を除く支部役員は、2年毎または後継者が選出され、任務を引き受けるまで、辞任・解任されるまでに選出されるものとする。役員の任務は、その役員が選出される年次総会の終了時点から開始するものとする。
B. いかなる会員も4以上の役員を兼務してはならず、また連続した2任期を超えて、同一の任務を行わないものとする。
Section 3. Duties of Chapter Officers
The Chapter Officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws, and the parliamentary authority adopted by the Chapter.
第3項 支部役員の責務
A. The Chapter President shall:
・ Preside at meetings of the Chapter and the Chapter Board,
・ Ensure all Chapter Board members have reviewed the Chapter Affiliation Agreement,
・ Serve as liaison and advisor in coordinating the activities of the local Chapter in support of the Association,
・ Appoint all committee chairpersons and members, with approval of the Board of Directors,
・ Be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee,
・ Represent the Chapter at Leadership Conferences, Presidents Council Meetings and other conferences and functions, where appropriate or appoint another Chapter Board member as a representative,
・ Present an annual report to members at the annual general meeting - such report to consist of reports from various Chapter officers and committees,
・ Maintain communications with the Association and respond to Association enquiries,
・ Be responsible for submission of the required annual chapter reports to the Association within 30 days after the annual general meeting,
・ Ensure chapter trainers for ISACA certifications are accredited by ISACA,
・ Supervise budgetary matters and proper internal control of finances, and
・ Perform other duties as pertain to the office of President, or which may be delegated by the Chapter Board.
A. 会長の責務は、以下のとおりとする。
・ 支部ならびに支部理事会の会議を取り仕切る
・ すべての支部理事会メンバーが支部提携契約を見直したことを確認する。
・ 協会を支援して支部活動の調整役およびアドバイザーとしての役割を果たす。
・ 理事会の承認を得て、全ての委員会の議長ならびに構成員の任命権を行使する
・ 指名委員会を除く全ての委員会の職権上の構成員となる
・ リーダーシップカンファレンス、プレジデントカウンシルミーティング、代表者として他の支部が指定する会議や会合において支部の代表者となる
・ 年次総会において、会員に対して年次報告を行う – 役員や委員会からの報告事項も含まれる
・ 協会とのコミュニケーションを維持し、協会からの問い合わせに回答する
・ 年次総会終了後、協会から30日以内に報告を求められる年次報告の提出に責任を負う
・ ISACA資格の支部トレーナーがISACAの認定を受けていることを確認する
・ 予算に係る問題と財務に関する内部コントロールを監督する
・ その他会長に関連する職務、ならびに支部理事会から委任された職務を遂行する
B. The Chapter Vice President shall:
・ Preside at meetings of the Chapter and the Chapter Board, in the absence of the President,
・ Perform the duties of the President in the event of his/her absence or disability, and
・ Perform other duties as pertain to this office.
B. 副会長の責務は、以下のとおりとする。
・ 会長が欠席した場合、支部ならびに支部理事会の会議を取り仕切る
・ 会長が欠席したり責務の執行に関する能力を欠いたりした場合、会長の職務を遂行する
・ その他、副会長の任務に関連する職務を遂行する
C. The Chapter Secretary shall:
・ Take minutes of the meetings of the Chapter Board, membership meetings, and annual general meeting, and maintain a copy of the records,
・ Maintain accurate attendance records,
・ Be responsible for the legal affairs, Chapter records and correspondence pertaining to the Chapter,
・ Assist the President in the administration of Chapter membership meetings, and
・ Perform other duties as pertain to this office.
C. 書記の責務は、以下のとおりとする。
・ 支部理事会の会議、会員のミーティング、年次総会の議事録をとり、議事録の写しを保持する
・ 出席記録を正確に保持する
・ 支部の記録と支部に関連する対応に係る法的問題について責任を持つ
・ 支部会員のミーティングにおける会長を支援する
・ その他、書記の任務に関連する職務を遂行する
D. The Chapter Treasurer shall:
・ Be custodian of Chapter funds,
・ Receive and disburse such funds of the Chapter as shall be required in the conduct of its affairs and the carrying on of its activities or as directed by the Chapter Board,
・ Remit dues to the Association as required,
・ Submit a written report at each regular meeting,
・ In concert with the President, authorize expenditures from, or transfers of funds from/to, the Chapter US dollar credit account held at the Association,
・ Submit annual financial statements for presentation to the membership at the annual general meeting,
・ Submit books and records for audit when required,
・ File any and all tax forms required, and
・ Perform other duties as pertain to this office.
D. 会計の責務は、以下のとおりとする。
・ 支部の経営に関する事柄により要求される資金の受け取り・支払い、ならびに支部理事会により管理される活動を処理する
・ 協会から要求される会費を支払う
・ 定例会議ごとに報告書を提出する
・ 会長と協力して、支出の正当性を認める、もしくは協会で保持されているUSドルの残高から/残高への振替を実施する
・ 年次総会で会員に発表する年次財務諸表を提出する
・ 要求があった際に監査の記録と帳簿を提出する
・ 任意または全ての要求される税務申告用紙を保管する
・ その他、会計の任務に関連する職務を遂行する
E. The Immediate Past President (not applicable until the initial president is replaced by the successor) of the Chapter shall:
・ Provide advice and guidance to the new President and Chapter Board, and
・ Perform other duties as pertain to this office.
E. 前会長(初代会長が次の会長に引き継ぎまでは不在)の責務は、以下のとおりとする。
・ 新しい会長や支部理事会に助言や指導をおこなう
・ その他、前会長の任務に関連する職務を遂行する
F. The Communications Director shall:
・ Maintain electronic lists of members and guests,
・ Forward information on events and other pertinent information to e-mail lists,
・ Identify and use other means of disseminating information about events and the chapter, where appropriate, and
・ Perform other duties as pertain to this office.
F. 広報担当理事の責務は、以下のとおりとする。
・ 会員とゲストの電子リストを維持する
・ イベントその他の関連情報をイーメールのリストへ転送する
・ イベントや支部の宣伝に係わる適当な手段を確認し、それを利用する
・ その他、広報担当理事の任務に関連する職務を遂行する
G. The Membership Director shall:
・ Maintain accurate lists of membership,
・ Disseminate membership lists as directed by Chapter Board, with due regard to security and privacy issues,
・ Report on membership data from the Association,
・ Coordinate plans for maintaining and Increasing Chapter membership, and
・ Perform other duties as pertain to this office.
G. 会員担当理事の責務は、以下のとおりとする。
・ 会員リストを正確に維持する
・ セキュリティとプライバシーに留意の上、支部理事会が管理する会員リストを宣伝する
・ 協会からの会員データを報告する
・ 支部会員の維持と拡大に関する計画をまとめる
・ その他、会員担当理事の任務に関連する職務を遂行する
H. The CISA Certification Director shall:
・ Maintain resource material related to CISA certification,
・ Promote CISA accreditation within the Chapter membership, including exam preparation sessions,
・ Ensure all certification training is conducted or overseen by ISACA-accredited trainers,
・ Maintain exam participation rate to sustain the local area as an exam writing site,
・ Report to Chapter Board on exam results,
・ Act as a liaison between exam participants and the Association, and
・ Perform other duties as pertain to this office.
H. CISA資格担当理事の責務は、以下のとおりとする。
・ CISA資格に関連する資源・物資を管理する
・ 試験の準備を含め、支部会員のCISA認証を推進する
・ すべての認定トレーニングが、ISACA認定トレーナーによって実施または監督されていることを確認する
・ 試験実施会場の地域を支持するため、試験の参加率を管理する
・ 試験結果を支部理事会に報告する
・ 受験者と協会との間の連絡係として活動する
・ その他、CISA資格担当理事の任務に関連する職務を遂行する
I. The CISM Certification Director shall:
・ Maintain resource material related to CISM certification,
・ Promote CISM accreditation within the Chapter membership, including exam preparation sessions,
・ Ensure all certification training is conducted or overseen by ISACA-accredited trainers,
・ Maintain exam participation rate to sustain the local area as an exam writing site,
・ Report to Chapter Board on exam results,
・ Act as a liaison between exam participants and the Association, and
・ Perform other duties as pertain to this office.
I. CISM資格担当理事の責務は、以下のとおりとする。
・ CISM資格に関連する資源・物資を管理する
・ 試験の準備を含め、支部会員のCISM認証を推進する
・ すべての認定トレーニングが、ISACA認定トレーナーによって実施または監督されていることを確認する
・ 試験実施会場の地域を支持するため、試験の参加率を管理する
・ 試験結果を支部理事会に報告する
・ 受験者と協会との間の連絡係として活動する
・ その他、CISM資格担当理事の任務に関連する職務を遂行する
J. The IT Governance Director shall:
・ Encourage Chapter membership to participate in review of Association standards and guidelines,
・ Promote CGEIT accreditation within the Chapter membership,
・ Provide liaison with Association re: IT governance issues and approaches to dissemination,
・ Assist in the inclusion of IT governance presentations in the chapter education sessions,
・ Coordinate with outside bodies on awareness, presentations and conferences related to IT governance,
・ Stay current with the offerings of the Association as related to COBIT and other IT-governance resources
・ Work with Education Director to arrange training sessions on COBIT
・ Assist in expanding awareness and use of COBIT, and
・ Perform other duties as pertain to this office.
J. ITガバナンス担当理事の責務は、以下のとおりとする。
・ 協会の基準やガイドラインのレビューへ支部会員の参画を推進する
・ 支部会員へのCGEIT認証を推進する
・ ITガバナンスを普及させるための論点と方法についての、協会への窓口を提供する
・ 支部の教育委員会でITガバナンスの発表がおこなわれるように支援する
・ 外部機関によるITガバナンスに関連する認知、発表、会議と連携する
・ 協会のCOBITと他のITガバナンス資源を最新の状態に維持する
・ 教育担当理事と協働し、COBITの訓練機会を用意する
・ COBITの利用と認知が向上するように支援する
・ その他、ITガバナンス担当理事の任務に関連する職務を遂行する
K. The Director(s)-at-Large shall:
Contribute to the work of the Chapter Board on a wide variety of topics and projects, as directed by the President and Chapter Board.
K. 一般理事の責務は、以下のとおりとする。
Section 4. Chapter Officer Vacancies
A. If a vacancy should occur in the office of President, the vacancy shall be filled by the Vice-President.
B. If a vacancy should occur in any other office, except that of Immediate Past President, the vacancy shall be filled by the Chapter Board.
C. If a vacancy occurs in the office of Immediate Past President, the vacancy shall remain vacant until filled by routine succession.
D. If a Chapter officer’s membership in the Association shall for any reason terminate, that individual’s position as Chapter officer shall automatically become vacant.
第4項 支部役員の欠員
A. 支部会長に欠員が乗じた場合、副会長によりその欠員を補うこととする。
B. 前会長を除き、前述の会長以外の役員に欠員が生じた場合、支部の理事会によって欠員を補充する。
C. 前会長に欠員が生じた場合、予め定められた方法により補充されるまで欠員のままとする。
D. 支部理事が協会の会員資格を何らかの理由により喪失した場合、当該役員の役職は自動的に欠員になるものとする。
Article VI. Nominations and Elections
Section 1. Chapter Nominations
A. A Nominating Committee of 5 members shall be selected in the following manner: A Nominating Committee shall be elected by the Chapter Board at their regular meeting in January.
B. The Nominating Committee shall solicit candidates for office from the Chapter membership and shall nominate candidates for offices to be filled at the annual general meeting.
C. The Nominating Committee shall report to the membership at the regular meeting in April.
D. Nominations from the floor shall be permitted prior to the election. Each candidate shall have consented to serve and shall have completed a Willingness to Serve agreement and Conflict of Interest form.
第6条 指名と選挙
第1項 支部役員の指名
A. 指名委員会を構成する5名の指名委員は、以下の方法により指名される。指名委員は1月の理事会において選出される。
B. 指名委員は支部会員から候補者を勧誘し、年次総会で指名する。
C. 指名委員会は会員に対し、4月の定例会議で報告をおこなう。
D. 参加者からの指名は、選挙に先立ち許可される。いずれの候補者も、Willingness to Serve agreement and Conflict of Interest formに同意し、記入しなければならない。
Section 2. Chapter Elections
A. Officers shall be elected by ballot.
B. In the event there is only one candidate for any office, voting on that office may be by voice.
第2項 支部役員の選挙
A. 役員は候補者名簿の中から選出される。
B. 選挙では、いずれの役職に対しても候補者は1名とし、それぞれの役職に対して発言権により投票される。
Article VII. Chapter Board
Section 1. Composition of the Chapter Board
The Chapter Board shall consist of the officers listed in Article V, Section 1.
第7条 支部理事会
第1項 支部理事会の組織
Section 2. Duties
The Chapter Board shall:
A. Supervise the affairs and conduct the business of the Chapter between business meetings
B. Make recommendations to the membership
C. Hold Regular meetings in every three months at a time and place determined by the Chapter Board, Special meetings of the Chapter Board may be called by the President and shall be called upon the written request of four members of the Board. Notice must be given to Chapter Board members at least 48 hours before a Special Meeting of the Chapter Board and must include the purpose of the meeting ; and,
D. Perform the duties prescribed in these bylaws and the parliamentary authority adopted by the Chapter
第2項 責務
A. 支部の運営に係る事項や問題について指導する。
B. 会員に対する勧告をおこなう。
C. 支部理事会によって決定された時間と場所で3ヵ月ごとに定例会議を開催する。支部理事会の特別会議は会長または支部理事会の4人のメンバーの書面による要求により開催できるものとする。特別会議は、少なくとも48時間前には、支部理事会メンバーに会議の目的を含めて通知しなければならない。
D. 定款で定められた職務ならびに支部の会議で承認された権限を遂行する。
Section 3. Financial Authority
The Chapter Board shall have the authority to:
A. Expend funds allotted in the approved budget
B. Approve the annual budget
第3項 会計機関
A. 承認された予算の割り当て金額を引き上げる。
B. 年間予算を承認する。
Section 4. Fiscal Year & Annual Financial Statements
A. The fiscal year of the Chapter shall run from January 1st to December 31st unless otherwise established by the Chapter Board.
B. The Chapter Board shall ensure that annual financial statements are prepared, audited or verified by individual(s) other than the Chapter Board, approved by the Chapter Board, presented to members at the annual general meeting, and submitted as part of the Chapter Annual Report to the Association.
第4項 事業年度と年間予算
A. 支部理事会で別途定めた場合を除き、1月1日から12月31日までを事業年度とする
B. 支部理事会は、支部理事以外の個人により監査または検証を受け、支部理事会によって承認された年次財務諸表を年次総会で会員へ報告し、協会へ支部の年次報告の一部として報告しなければならない
Section 5. Insurance
The Chapter Board shall use commercially reasonable efforts to carry at all times adequate insurance coverage to insure the risk associated with the Chapter’s activities, and shall hold the Association harmless from any lawsuits, damages, other expenses or liabilities, arising out of the activities of the Chapter.
第5項 保険
Section 6. Quorum
A majority of the Chapter Board shall constitute a quorum for any Chapter Board meeting.
第6項 定足数
Section 7. Removal
A. Any Officer who fails to attend 4 Chapter Board meetings within a year will be brought before the Chapter Board and may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Chapter Board of Directors.
B. Any Officer may be removed, with or without cause, at any meeting of the Chapter Board, by a majority vote
of the members of the Chapter Board of Directors.
C. Any Officer being considered for removal from the Chapter Board shall have the right to be heard by the Chapter Board before an official vote is taken.
第7項 解任
A. 1年以内に4回の理事会に出席しなかった理事は、支部理事会の前に招集され、支部理事会の過半数の投票により解任されることがある。
B. 理事は、支部理事会のいかなる会議においても、支部理事会の構成員の過半数の投票により、理由の有無にかかわらず、解任されることがある。
C. 支部理事会からの退任を検討されている役員は、公式投票が行われる前に支部理事会の審問を受ける権利を有する。
Article VIII. Chapter Committees
Section 1. Program Committee
There shall be a Program Committee with the objective of developing and implementing the Chapter training and development events for the year.
第8条 支部委員会
第1項 プログラム委員会
Section 2. Special Committees
Other committees may be created as necessary by the Chapter Board.
第2項 特別委員会
Article Ⅸ. ISACA Chapters of Japan
The Board of Directors,with other boards of other chapters in Japan,shall become the members of ISACA Chapters of Japan.
Decisions adopted by ISACA Chapters of Japan shall be followed by the Board.
第9条 ISACA日本支部協同推進機構
ArticleⅩ. Indemnification
The Chapter shall indemnify any and all of its directors or officers or former directors or officers or any person who may have served at its request or by its election as a director or officer of another corporation, against expenses actually and necessarily incurred by them in connection with the defense or settlement of any action, suit or proceeding in which they, or any of them, are made parties, or a party, by reason of being or having been directors or a director or officer of the corporation or of such other corporation, except in relation to matters as to which any such director or officer or former director or officer or person shall be adjudged in such action, suit or proceeding to be liable for willful misconduct in performance of duty and to such matters as shall be settled by agreement predicated on existence of such liability.
The indemnification provided hereby shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights to which anyone seeking indemnification may be entitled under any bylaw, agreement, vote of members, or disinterested directors or otherwise, both as to action in his or her official capacity and as to action in another capacity while holding such office.
第10条 賠償
Article Ⅺ. Dissolution
If dissolution of the Chapter becomes inevitable, these bylaws must be rescinded by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the chapter membership after ten (10) days notice has been mailed to each member. In the event of dissolution, the Chapter shall notify the Chief Executive Officer of the Association, in writing, indicating the reason(s) for dissolution and shall return the Chapter charter and any other Chapter or Association documents to International Headquarters. All net assets shall be distributed to other selected ISACA chapters, or to a welfare, education, or civic project designated by the Chapter membership, pursuant to the Act to Promote Specified Nonprofit Activities (Japanese law) with the approval of the Association’s International President and Chief Executive Officer.
第11条 解散
Article Ⅻ. Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised, shall govern the chapter in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules the chapter may adopt.
第12条 会議の権限
Article XⅢ. Amendment of Chapter Bylaws
The Chapter Board shall approve all suggested bylaw changes and forward them to the Chapter Relations Team of the Association, with changes indicated. The Association must give approval to all bylaw changes prior to them being submitted for a vote by chapter membership.
Chapter bylaw amendments will be approved, at any chapter meeting, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous meeting, or has been mailed or e-mailed to the entire Chapter membership at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which it will be considered. The Chapter Relations Team of the Association will be advised that the Bylaw amendments have been approved, and will be sent a copy of the approved version of the Bylaws.
The Chapter Board shall conduct a periodic, ideally annual, comparison of the Chapter practices to the bylaws. The Chapter must ensure the compliance of the bylaws with the Association's bylaws and any applicable country or state requirements.
第13条 支部定款の改定
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2012年1月14日 制定
2019年6月30日 改訂