Chapter Committees


Committees Introduction / Terms of Reference Chair Other Members
Membership, Sponsorship, and Marketing Committee The Membership, Sponsorship, and Marketing Committee is responsible for meeting on a quarterly (or as needed) basis to help grow/retain membership; identify and acquire sponsorships; and promote ISACA.  The committee would be chaired by the current President or Vice President, and there would be at least 3 other committee members that can be made up of existing officers, board members, or members.  The Committee would report its workings to the Board for approval. Chair: Evan Rowse 

Farkhondeh Hassandoust

Tyale Rodrigues

Jason Wood

Abby Zhang

Programme and Events Committee The Programme and Events Committee is responsible for meeting on a monthly (or as needed) basis to ensure there are adequate programs and events to benefit the membership.  The Committee would ensure that the programs and events are identified, planned, and organised.  The Committee would be chaired by the current Vice President and there would be at least 3 other committee members that can be made up of existing officers, board members, or members.  The Committee would report its workings to the Board for approval. Chair: Abby Zhang 

Tyale Rodrigues
Evan Rowse
Jason Wood
Tatum Crisp

Yanmei Wang

ISACA SheLeadsTech Auckland Committee

ISACA SheLeadsTech Auckland Committee Introduction:

Empowering Women in Tech (Dream Big ,and  Believe in yourself)

ISACA SheLeadsTech (SLT) is a global program focused on diversity and inclusion in the tech industry, established by ISACA HQ, a non-profit organization. Inspired by the international SLT initiative, ISACA SheLeadsTech Auckland was uplifted in June 2020 by Abby Zhang, a champion for women in tech. Building upon the program's strong foundation, our Auckland chapter tailors its activities to address the specific needs and aspirations of women in the local tech scene.

Our Mission

  • Raise Awareness: We acknowledge the tech industry's gender diversity gap and believe ISACA's global network positions us uniquely to address this issue.

  • Empower Women in Tech: ISACA SheLeadsTech Auckland strives to:

    • Encourage women to embrace their roles in tech, regardless of seniority.

    • Equip them with the knowledge and confidence to pursue tech careers, even if they don't have a tech background.

Our Vision

SLT Auckland aspires to create a more inclusive tech community in Auckland by fostering female leadership and promoting diversity within the tech workforce.

Chair: Danielle Domingo

Akarsha Palle

Kavita Chetty

Tatum Crisp

Evan Rowse

Remya Kumar

Farkhondeh Hassandoust

Richard Lockwood

Professional Development Committee

Professional Development Committee Introduction

The Professional Development (PD) Committee is a vital component of the ISACA Auckland Chapter, dedicated to fostering the professional growth of our members in IT governance, risk management, and security (ITGRC).

Our Mission

The PD Committee's mission is to:

  • Develop and deliver a comprehensive program of educational events, workshops, and webinars throughout the year.

  • Identify and address the evolving ITGRC needs of ISACA Auckland members through relevant and timely content.

  • Partner with industry experts and ISACA International to provide high-quality learning opportunities.

  • Promote continuous learning and professional development within the ISACA Auckland Chapter community.


The PD Committee will be responsible for the following:

  • Planning and execution of the annual PD program: This includes identifying topics, securing speakers, coordinating logistics, and promoting events.

  • Staying current with industry trends: The committee will actively research emerging ITGRC issues and ensure the PD program reflects these developments.

  • Collaborating with other ISACA Auckland committees: The PD Committee will work closely with other chapter committees to ensure alignment and support for chapter initiatives.

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of PD offerings: The committee will gather feedback from members and continuously improve the PD program based on their needs.

Chair: Rishad Smartt

Jason Wood

Abby Zhang

Rishad Smartt

Kyle Peh

Evan Rowse

Yanmei Wang

Education & Certification Committee

Education & Certification Committee Introduction:

The Education & Certification Committee plays a central role in supporting ISACA Auckland members in achieving their professional goals. We're a dedicated team committed to providing resources and guidance on IT governance, risk management, and security (ITGRC) certifications.

Our Mission:

  • Empower members to pursue and navigate ISACA's globally recognized ITGRC certifications.

  • Offer educational resources such as study groups, workshops, and exam preparation materials.

  • Promote awareness of the benefits of ITGRC certifications for career advancement.

  • Partner with ISACA International to ensure access to the latest certification information and support.


  • Develop and maintain resources: We'll curate a library of study materials, exam tips, and certification roadmaps.

  • Organize educational events: This includes hosting workshops, seminars, and mentorship programs to support exam preparation.

  • Liaise with ISACA International: We'll stay updated on certification changes and ensure alignment with local member needs.

  • Promote certification benefits: We'll raise awareness of how ITGRC certifications enhance career prospects.

Chair: Richard Lockwood

Jason Wood

Abby Zhang

Rishad Smartt

Kyle Peh

Farkhondeh Hassandoust

Governance and Strategy Committee The Governance and Strategy Committee is responsible for meeting on a quarterly (or as needed) basis to help shape the governance and strategy of the Chapter.  This includes ensuring that (a) the Constitution reflects how the Chapter wants to operate and is appropriately adopted by members and submitted to the New Zealand Societies and to ISACA Global; (b) appropriate policies and procedures are in place for the Chapter; (c) appropriate descriptions for roles & responsibilities are documented for officer and board positions; (d) working on the short-term and long-term Chapter strategies; and (e) other relevant activities related to governance & strategy.  The committee would be chaired by the current President and there would be at least 3 other committee members that can be made up of existing officers, board members, or members.  The Committee would report its workings to the Board for approval. Chair: Jason Wood Akarsha Palle
Evan Rowse

Finance & Audit Committee The Finance & Audit Committee is responsible for meeting on a monthly (or as needed) basis to ensure the financial well being and financial compliance of the Chapter.  This includes ensuring that the day to day financial records are maintained, the financial statements are prepared, timely and accurate submissions to the IRD, and coordination of the external audit.  The Committee would be chaired by the current Treasurer and there would be at least 3 other committee members that can be made up of existing officers, board members, or members.  The Committee would report its workings to the Board for approval.

Chair: Jacob Samuel

Tatum Crisp

Abby Zhang

Jason Wood

Evan Rowse

Search, Nominations, and Elections Committee The Search, Nominations, and Elections Committee is responsible for meeting on a quarterly (or as needed) basis to help search for volunteers, provide nominations to the Board, and facilitate the elections process to the membership.  The committee would be chaired by the Immediate Past President and there would be at least 3 other committee members that can be made up of existing officers, board members, or members.  The Committee would report its workings to the Board for approval, and then presented to the membership as appropriate. Chair: Rishad Smartt Jason Wood
Abby Zhang
Executive Committee Executive Committee is responsible for meeting on a monthly (or as needed) basis to ensure the day to day operations of the Chapter and prepare for the Board meetings. The Committee has oversight of all other Committees. The Committee is chaired by the current President and would include the Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Immediate Past President. The Committee has delegated authority within predefined guidelines from the Board but would be required to report its workings to the Board (and seek the approval of the Board for any business outside the predefined guidelines). Chair: Tatum Crisp

Jacob Samuel
Evan Rowse
Jason Wood
Abby Zhang