
What's New

June 9, 2023 - Annual General Meeting and Elections  

On June 9, 2023 we held our annual general membership meeting as required by our by-laws. The following Board members were elected for our Chapter to serve until 2025. Thank you to:
• Gloribert Roque - President
• Monique Maimon - Vice President
• John Souza - Secretary
• Amber Schrock - Treasurer
• Sil Silveria - Communications Director
• Ralph Villanueva - Membership Director
• Daniel Manson - Academic Relations Director
• George Vasquez - Director at Large
• Kenny Yang - Director at Large

June, 2024 - Additional Board members

  • Denis Darveau - Certifications Director
  • Alexander Lee - Director at Large

ISACA Las Vegas Chapter Bylaws
Our Chapter Bylaws have been updated effective August 2023.


We're up and running again on Twitter. Follow us for social media updates!

• Join us on our  LinkedIn page
• We are now using Cvent as our Event Management System.


COBIT 2019 
The globally recognized COBIT Framework, which helps ensure effective enterprise governance of information and technology (EGIT), has been updated with new information and guidance—facilitating easier, tailored implementation.
