CMMI Ecosystem Overview – Building Capability and Continuously Improving Organizational Performance

When:  Nov 2, 2023 from 13:00 to 14:00 (ET)
Associated with  New England Chapter

ISACA’s CMMI - Capability Maturity Model Integration was originally created for the U.S. Department of Defense to assess the levels of maturity and capability for quality and performance of software contractors. Since 1987,  over 10,000 organizations around the world, across a broad spectrum of industries, including IT, Finance, Defense, Manufacturing, Government, Aerospace and others, have expanded the use of ISACA’s CMMI models and appraisal methodology beyond software engineering to help understand their current level of capability and performance and as a guide to optimize business results.


The CMMI Performance Solution ecosystem and the CMMI Model provide best practices and roadmaps to build, improve, and benchmark key organizational capabilities, e.g. cost management, productivity, quality, schedule performance and more across 8 primary domains and with a plain-language set of 29 Practice Areas.  CMMI V3.0 has been designed and released to also work well with ISACA and external frameworks, such as ISO, NIST, CMMC, and others that are regulatory-based standards.  This includes both the ISACA frameworks of COBIT and the Digital Trust Ecosystem Framework, which follows the same architectural principles and performance approach as CMMI V3.0.


**1 CPE will be granted for attendance**

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Ron Lear, Vice President Frameworks and Models

As ISACA’s Vice President of Frameworks and Models, Ron brings over 37 years of experience with building capability and continually improving performance in product development, engineering, service operations, cybersecurity, supply chain, data, and quality management.  As the Chief Architect of CMMI, Ron led the development and launch of the CMMI V2.0/3.0 Product Suite, including the ISACA MDDAP FDA Case for Quality VIP program. He and his team currently manage all ISACA’s frameworks, including CMMI, COBIT, CCP, and DTEF.  Ron is a proven executive leader and Certified CMMI High Maturity Lead Appraiser (CHMLA), and Instructor with over 300 appraisals (with ~100 of those as High Maturity) completed to date, including aerospace, automotive, defense, finance, healthcare, biomedical, insurance, IT, telecommunications, and systems and software integrators.  Ron is a primary author of the CMMI V2.0 and V3.0, including the recent updates on High Maturity in CMMI V3.0.  Ron is also an ISO 9000 Lead Auditor, and member of the ISO US TC176 and CMMC advisor and Provisional Assessor and active participant with NIST 800-171 and CSF 2.0 updates.
