I am honored to take over the chapter stewardship from Natasha Wheatley, our immediate past president, who together with all past and present chapter volunteers and officers have created a friendly community for exchange of knowledge and ideas and for the support of 7000+ local and global professionals in the fields of IT governance, risk management, cybersecurity, and information systems in their professional journeys who aim to make information systems work better for everyone worldwide.
Christo Ovcharov
ISACA New England Chapter President
Join our mail list
Our Programs team organized 22 global and 3 local seminars, conferences and summits in 2024. More than 3000 people attended our 2024 events. If you don’t already receive our biweekly eBlasts, subscribe here to receive chapter updates and invites for our 2025 events: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/qct3uAI/isacane.
Very Early Bird registration now open for our Info Security Insights summits and conferences
Register here:
Expect SecureMaine 2025 to again take place in Portland, ME in early October.
Member Survey
We are listening. Respond to this survey to help define the chapter activities and select topics we should focus on during 2025: https://forms.gle/Zfhd6wFYqT638fLS6.
Follow and Tag ISACA New England on LinkedIn
Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/isaca-new-england/
Tag “@ISACA New England” on your LinkedIn posts and share updates and projects you are working on with all chapter members.
Nominate Speakers
Nominate yourself or others as speakers for our in-person and online events: https://forms.gle/ie6doZcvBjvsUmiF7
2025 Initiatives
What should you expect in 2025: mentorship program, panel discussions with industry executives, debates, professional awards and expanded networking opportunities: table/breakout room discussions at each event, students and new professionals networking events, industry group events, partnerships with fellow professional organizations. We cannot organize these without your support. Respond to our surveys to recommend topics, speakers and offer venues we can use for these events.
Also new for 2025: We are introducing opt-in raffle Item, a $300 Amazon gift card (Apple watch equivalent), for attendees who opt-in to share their contact info with our sponsors over the course of the year.
We thank Fortinet, PwC and Anecdotes, Beyond Identity, CipherTechs, Compass IT Compliance, EY, ForgeRock, Fractional CISO, IOVations, OCD Tech, Onapsis, Protiviti, RSM, Secureworks, Security Management Partners, TrustCloud, and Verizon for their support throughout the years.
Explore Sponsorship Opportunities
Request Sponsorship Info here: https://forms.gle/oKFAAB5dUvkwMXpr8
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. The chapter does not organize networking events close to where I live or work:
We are a unique ISACA chapter. Most chapters cover one metro area or one country. We cover four states. The distance from Western Massachusetts to Northern Maine is 600 miles. Many live or work in areas with just a handful of other members close by.
We aim to organize events in each state: Save the dates and try to attend our conferences in VT, NH, ME and MA.
Complete the member survey, indicate your interest in organizing networking events in your area and we will forward this info to the members who live or work close to you.
2. The chapter does not organize events related to my industry or on topics interesting for me:
Complete the member survey asap. Let us know now, rather than at the end of the year, which topics you are interested in, nominate interesting speakers, indicate your interest in organizing events for your industry and we will connect you with members who express interest in similar industry topics and events.
3. I don’t receive information about chapter events:
Check the events calendar on our website
Subscribe to our mailing list: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/qct3uAI/isacane. You need to resubscribe if you have opted out from receiving chapter emails in the past
Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/isaca-new-england/.
- Few have blocked ISACA New England emails from reaching their mailboxes. This prevents them from receiving eBlasts. confirmations for events and CPE certificates. Review your email rules and disable those blocking emails from ISACA New England (@isacanewengland.ccsend.com and @isacane.org).
- Few companies prevent emails with e.g. survey links from being delivered. Subscribe to our mailing list with a personal email.
4. I look for free CPE and networking events:
If you are between jobs, reach to: membership.director@isacane.org and they will provide you a discount code for event registrations
Many don’t show up for free events. When space is limited, no shows prevent others from attending these events.
We organize free events when space is unlimited - we organized 20+ free webinars in 2024. If you could help us secure a large event venue for free, complete our member survey and help us organize free in-person events.
We charge fees for in-person events to cover the event expenses. Low cost events have nominal fees.
The chapter membership fee (which is below the average ISACA chapter membership fee) and our chapter sponsors help subsidize the fees we charge for our events.