AI and You: How To Unleash the Power of AI

When:  Aug 16, 2023 from 04:30 to 08:30 (ET)
Associated with  New England Chapter

Registration, Refreshments & Networking begin at  4:30

Panel begins 6:00


When ChatGPT, the chatbot developed by OpenAI launched in late 2022, it immediately began making waves in the world of emerging technology. As the next truly disruptive technology, Artificial Intelligence has already, and will continue to change the way we work and produce. But what specifically will it change? Please join our panelists in exploring the benefits, risks, and impacts of using AI tools. These industry experts will explain how they are integrating AI into their products, services, and jobs, and provide insight into how AI can be used in all three.  


Have you ever thought about when and how you can use ChatGPT for work? Have you ever thought about integrating AI into your products? Or are you curious what the future of AI will look like? If so, this event is for you! 


 **1 CPE will be granted for attendance**

Upon registration, an email will be sent with additional details as to the location of the seminar. Please check your Junk Folder if you do not see the registration confirmation.



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1 Federal Street, 9th Floor
Boston, MA 02110