Secure Maine

When:  Oct 5, 2023 from 08:00 to 16:30 (ET)
Associated with  New England Chapter
Secure Maine is a new non-profit established by the Maine Security community to serve the needs of Maine. Objectives are to increase the capacity and capabilities for Cyber Security in Maine.
Current collaborating non-profits include: IAPP, InfraGard,ISACANE, (ISC)2 Maine, and MTUG.  This full day conference covers information security issues as they relate to technology, governance, and architecture, and finishes with a roundtable discussion featuring prominent practitioners in the information, security, and privacy spheres (CISO/CIO/CIPOs). The SecureMaine Conference content includes both cybersecurity and physical security.




The Point
Clarks Pond Pkwy
South Portland, ME 04106