Secured Cloud Computing Practitioner (SCCP) Training - Delivered by Network Intelligence LLC

Starts:  Oct 3, 2023 09:00 (ET)
Ends:  Oct 6, 2023 13:00 (ET)
Associated with  Ottawa Valley Chapter

Secured Cloud Computing Practitioner (SCCP) Training - Delivered by Network Intelligence LLC
When: October 3 to 6, 2023 – 9:00am to 1:00pm
Where: Online (Virtual)
Cost: $150 USD for ISACA Members; $200 USD for Non-ISACA Members
Registration Link: 
Training Brochure: Click here

The training on Secured Cloud Computing Practitioner (SCCP) shall potentially enable organizations to increase their business model capabilities and their ability to scale up while avoiding significant investments in infrastructure, training, personnel, and software. The SCCP training will cover the entire cloud infrastructure and its latest standards which will help the cloud security professionals in gaining the required knowledge, skills, and abilities in cloud security design, architecture, operations and compliance with regulatory frameworks. The SCCP training is 16 hours of online training spread across 4 days 4 hours each day.


Online Instructions:
Login: TBD