
ISACA Membership

Welcome to ISACA Portland, Oregon Membership page.

You are why we are here, thank you for investing in yourself and considering ISACA Portland, Oregon Chapter.  We take pride that our members are some of the region’s greatest resources in the Information Systems and Audit fields.  It is our desire to add value to your toolbox and help you grow professionally.  We do this by hosting training sessions, virtual speaker meeting and social events that you can expand your knowledge, network with other members and receive CPE’s, through-out the year. 

Join or renew your ISACA membership today: Join Today!

Our annual General meeting and Board Election is held in June of each year.  Board members have a 2-year term.  We are always looking for volunteers who would like to help plan events, could assist Board Directors and in general, contribute to the Chapter.

Our sign-up for events is handled through Cvent and announcements will be sent out to all members.  They will also be listed on this website as upcoming events.

Becoming a member is easy, dues for our Chapter $35 first year and $30 per year, thereafter.  There are also lower Chapter dues for specific students and retired members. Chapter dues are handled through the ISACA Global website, just choose #050, Portland, Oregon Chapter when you pay your ISACA dues.

For the 14th consecutive year, all ISACA Global ( dues will remain the same in 2025:

  • Professional members = US $135
  • New member processing fee = US $30 (discounted to US $10 when joining online)
  • Full-time students = US $25
  • Recent graduates = US $68
  • Retired members = US $67.50

 There are additional costs per certification as well as the above standard fees, these will differ per individual.

If you need more information on ISACA, our Chapter or certifications, please feel free to reach out to any one of our Board members.  We are here to assist you and we look forward to meeting you at one of our events or trainings.

Answering the Membership Value Question

ISACA Membership Benefits

Joining ISACA

Student Membership Information