ISACA Victoria Chapter Monthly Event Sponsorship Program

Every month ISACA Victoria chapter hosts a luncheon at the Union Club located at 805 Gordon Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1Z6.
The format is “Lunch and Learn” with a relevant topic shared by industry subject matter experts focusing on Information Security, Audit and Compliance. Attendance is usually between 35 - 50 guests, most often practitioners and leaders within the community across verticals both private and public sector. We also try to sponsor several College/University students per lunch to provide them with exposure to our field and to allow them networking opportunities.
As such we’ve created a sponsorship program to help vendors and service providers support the local community, raise awareness of their brands and offer reach to our members.
Sponsorship package includes the following:
Sponsor may position their signage at the entrance/event reception.
Sponsor logo shared at the start and end of the speaker’s presentation.
ISACA thank you to the sponsors and a short explanation of sponsors’ offerings.
Sponsor may position tabletop signage on each guest table.
Sponsor may offer a “swag bag” to each attendee including sponsor's business card.
Pre-Event: Sponsor logo featured on event communications leading to the event with backlink to vendor web page.
Post-Event: Thank you for attending email and backlink to sponsor webpage.
Cost: Exclusive sponsorship 25$ per attendee (minimum $500 up to a maximum $1,000)
If interested in sponsorship please contact us by email and we can provide you with more details.
Thank you so much for your partnership and support.
ISACA Victoria Chapter Board of Directors