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Phillip Lee, CISA,CRISC


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Posted By Phillip Lee 07 Jun, 2024 08:10
Found In Community: Atlanta Chapter Events
Calling all Atlanta CyberSecurity Defenders! ️ ISACA Atlanta is throwing a Fall event you won't want to miss! Forget boring conferences! This one's got your name written all over it, whether you're a seasoned Security Pro, a curious Student, or a mind-blowing Speaker. ...
Posted By Phillip Lee 16 Jan, 2024 08:27
Found In Announcements
Dear Members, Happy New Year! We hope this message finds you well and thriving in your professional journey. We on the ISACA Atlanta Chapter Board value your contribution and are constantly striving to enhance your membership experience. To achieve this goal, we are conducting a Membership ...
Posted By Phillip Lee 13 Dec, 2023 12:12
Found In Announcements
One of the big announcements from our Annual General Meeting on December 11th, 2023, was the election of two of our chapter officers! The Atlanta Chapter would like to congratulate Thelma Ricia Washington, BRMP and Phillip Lee, CISA, CRISC, CIPM for their election to the board. Additionally, ...