
  • ISACA certifications as prerequisites

    Dear Members and Friends,

    As part of our ongoing commitment to support the professional growth and advancement of our members, only job vacancies that explicitly require relevant ISACA certifications as prerequisites will be promoted through the ISACA Cyprus Chapter's communication channels.

    This is in line with our mission to provide valuable opportunities and resources to our members, ensuring that the job vacancies we promote align with the expertise and qualifications gained through ISACA certifications. By focusing on roles that specifically seek individuals with these certifications, we aim to enhance the relevance and effectiveness of the job listings we share with our community.

    We believe that this empowers our members by connecting them with job opportunities that truly match their skillsets and career goals. Additionally, it helps organizations find the right talent with the specialized knowledge and expertise they seek.

    We appreciate your understanding and support as we continue to strengthen the services and benefits provided by the ISACA Cyprus Chapter. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy update, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Chapter leadership.

    Thank you for being a part of our vibrant and dynamic community.