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This is a forum to collaborate on all topics related to IT audit and assurance. Examples includes discussions on audit programs, sources of assurance, audit best practice, audit methodologies, audit charters, audit standards, the IT Assurance Framework (ITAF), audit news etc.
This forum was created for COBIT and Framework contributors and senior and non-experience users as an additional resource to help you share experiences, understand, implement, use, apply to other themes our COBIT and its related frameworks. We invite you to participate and share questions, real cases, experiences, publications and tip and help respond to other members.
This is a forum to collaborate on all topics related to Emerging Technology or technology with the potential to change the status quo. We invite you to participate and share your experience and questions regarding the how new technologies can and will impact how we do conduct our profession and impact on organizational strategy and risk.
This is a forum to collaborate on all topics related to (IT) Governance. We invite you to participate and share your experience and questions regarding the leadership and organizational structures needed to ensure that IT sustains and extends the organization’s strategies and objectives thus enabling an organization to achieve its goals.
For security leaders and practitioners, time is critical and we cannot always wait for the next major conference to discuss security and cybersecurity issues, best practices, new solutions and more. Setting or keeping organizations on the proper path is critical, and this is the forum to share and validate ideas and best practices.
This is a forum for those professionals who interact with privacy issues to collaborate, share experience, ask questions, and exchange relevant resources. The focus of the discussions should be related to privacy concerns, solutions, awareness training, implementation, compliance, and technology innovations related to privacy.
This forum is the home of all topics about risk assessment and risk management, including vulnerabilities, threats and risk treatments, methodologies, best practices and tips from practitioners worldwide.
This forum was created for CGEIT exam registrants as an additional resource to help you prepare for the exam. We invite you to participate and share your questions, study methods and tips and help respond to other members. In addition to CEGIT exam registrants, we encourage previous exam takers and certifieds to respond to questions and share their study methods.
This forum was created for CISA exam registrants as an additional resource to help you prepare for the exam. We invite you to participate and share your questions, study methods and tips and help respond to other members. In addition to CISA exam registrants, we encourage previous exam takers and certifieds to respond to questions and share their study methods.
This forum was created for CISM exam registrants as an additional resource to help you prepare for the exam. We invite you to participate and share your questions, study methods and tips and help respond to other members. In addition to CISM exam registrants, we encourage previous exam takers and certifieds to respond to questions and share their study methods.
This forum was created for CRISC exam registrants as an additional resource to help you prepare for the exam. We invite you to participate and share your questions, study methods and tips and help respond to other members. In addition to CRISC exam registrants, we encourage previous exam takers and certifieds to respond to questions and share their study methods.
This forum was created for CDPSE exam registrants as an additional resource to help you prepare for the exam. We invite you to participate and share your questions, study methods and tips and help respond to other members. In addition to CDPSE exam registrants, we encourage previous exam takers and certifieds to respond to questions and share their study methods.
ISACA's SheLeadsTech program seeks to increase the representation of women in technology leadership roles and the tech workforce. Join this group to connect with other supporters from around the world and learn how you can help.
Seasoned and novice practitioners can participate in the important conversations taking place in ISACA’s Professional Development Forum. Have career-related questions answered by a group of like-minded professionals, discuss relevant professional development and educational opportunities, and share your own insights to network and help support others on their professional journey.