Words Never Lie but People Do - Detecting Deception & Improving Interviews
Delivered by Nejolla Korris
Event Synopsis
Learn the techniques used by FBI profilers. Gathering truthful information is an integral part of any corporate environment. How important is it for us to learn the truth from our employees, managers, and clients? This overview presents how linguistic lie detection is used in business, audit, and investigative areas to help you become more effective in all your business communications. As a session participant, you’ll learn the basics of information gathering and how to interpret the information you receive. You’ll also learn how linguistic lie detection techniques can be applied to a variety of high-profile media cases to illustrate examples of deception including:
- How to determine if a person is speaking truthfully or untruthfully.
- How often deception is used in the workplace.
- Specific linguistic triggers that indicate deception.
Presenter's Bio
Nejolla Korris is an international expert in the field of Linguistic Lie Detection and Cybersecurity - Social Engineering and Social Media Risk. She is the Chief Executive Officer at Interveritas International.
She is skilled in Scientific Content Analysis (SCAN), a technique that can determine whether a subject is truthful or deceptive. Since 2000, Korris has analysed documents for fraud, international security, arson, sexual assault, homicide, and missing persons' cases, causing some of her clients to dub her the "Human Lie Detector." Nejolla was one of five sanctioned trainers worldwide in the SCAN methodology. She has worked with Singapore police, FBI & cold case units of Scotland Yard and Irish Garda as well as several other law enforcement agencies. She introduced the methodology to the business community helping train professionals in detecting deception and honing interview skills.
In 2010 Ms. Korris added social media risk and social engineering training and consulting to her portfolio. She was approached by a firm of penetration testers to develop the social engineering ruses used to hack into corporations otherwise known as people hacking. This is used to train staff to recognise online threats and scams. Korris works with all levels of management, IT and internal audit to determine risk and prevention strategies for corporations and their staff.
In 2017, Nejolla was invited to present a keynote at the World Association of Newspapers conference in Singapore. She was invited by the Canadian High Commission to speak on the Fake News epidemic and how citizen groups are fighting it.
Ms. Korris is a highly sought after speaker in the areas of linguistic lie detection, social media risk, social engineering, fake news and the dark side of ethics. Nejolla is a unique voice in the world of intelligence and security. Her sessions are highly entertaining and interactive bringing rave reviews from audience members. Her speaking is insightful as well as entertaining.
Nejolla has worked in over 40 countries throughout the world. Her clients include corporations, government agencies, law enforcement, and the military. Nejolla has a BA in Law from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. She was awarded the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2012 for her international work in linguistic lie detection. She has one son Taddes and is owned by her dachshund Peanut.