WOW 2024! Evolve or Fail!

When:  Feb 16, 2024 from 08:30 to 17:00 (ET)
Associated with  South Florida Chapter

Our 17th annual WOW! event is the premier South Florida conference of the year that brings together IT governance, risk, control, audit, and cybersecurity professionals with leading industry speakers for an informative and educational event.  Our theme this year, "Evolve or Fail: The Next Generation of Digital Trust", will delve into highly relevant topics disrupting businesses around the world.

In addition to our high-quality keynote sessions, this year we are very excited to offer the following learning tracks that will make your WOW! experience amazing:

  • Leadership
  • Governance & Risk
  • Technical

Registration and Breakfast opens at 8:00 AM
Conference is from 8:30AM - 5:30PM
Happy Hour from 5:30PM - 7:00PM

Registration Fee: $250

Highly discounted student rates ($75) also available.



Sponsorships and discounted group rates are available! Please contact


Miami - Dade College Campus
Chapman Conference Center
254 NE 4th St bldg 3
Miami, FL 33132


Senjoy Joseph Panavelil