End of Year Cyber Secrets - ISACA in partnership with CloudAuthorities

When:  Dec 13, 2023 from 17:30 to 19:00 (ET)
Associated with  South Florida Chapter

End of Year Cyber Secrets

Join us on December 14th, 2023 from 5.30pm - 7pm as ISACA partners with CloudAuthorities to bring you an insightful event focused on data privacy regulations and compliance.

As we head into 2024, it is crucial for you and your company to stay informed about the Florida data privacy regulations that may impact your operations. Our panel of experts will discuss key points including:

- Understanding the Florida data privacy regulations: What you need to know.

- Determining if your company is subject to Florida's new data privacy regulations.

- Navigating the expanded federal regulations and ensuring compliance.

- Exploring the data breach notification requirements specific to your industry.

This event will provide valuable networking opportunities and feature presentations and Q&A sessions with industry professionals well-versed in cybersecurity, privacy, legal matters, and insurance.

Please join us for an engaging evening of knowledge sharing, networking, and connection. Food and drinks will be provided, making it an enjoyable and informative event for all attendees.

Save the date! We look forward to welcoming you to this event!


Kelley Kronenberg Law
10360 W. State Road 84,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33324


Senjoy Joseph Panavelil
