ISACA Vancouver Mentorship Program


The ISACA Vancouver Chapter is excited to launch its 2024 mentorship program for our IT audit and IT security professionals to mentor students who will become our future CISA, CRISC, CISM, GEIT, and CSX practitioners.

This is an excellent opportunity for students and new members who would like to know more about the IT audit profession and obtain career guidance with one-on-one time from a seasoned professional mentor. This is also a fantastic opportunity to network with other mentors and mentees in the community.

Requirements to join the Program:

The power of mentoring within our security community can help both participants build stronger relationships, gain new knowledge, insights and skills, and expand networks while enabling the development of young professionals.

For potential mentors: this is a great opportunity to join the ISACA Vancouver Mentorship Program, where knowledgeable, strong leaders like yourself can give back to help guide and support individuals in achieving their long-term goals. The program requires a time commitment. You will meet with your mentee for a minimum of 1-2 hours twice per month during a 12-week rotational period. It offers the exciting benefit of gaining CPE credits for your service.

Sign up as a mentor: ISACA Vancouver Mentorship Application

For potential mentees: Must be a student/new ISACA member (less than 2 years of professional experience) who is highly interested in pursuing a career in the areas of IT systems audit, or IT security. Note that the intent of this program is for IT professional mentors to support mentees in their professional growth, and there is no obligation nor expectation for mentors to hire/offer job opportunities to mentees

Once you have been accepted into the program, you will receive an invitation to join our Slack space.


The ISACA Vancouver Mentorship Program aims to create an inclusive mentorship program to further the educational and professional aspirations of our members. It focuses on the 3C’s of Mentorship:

  • Communication - allows both parties to gain a clear understanding of each other's needs, goals, and aspirations.
  • Clarity - ensures that all parties involved have a clear understanding of the program's focus, intent, goals, and expectations.
  • Commitment - both the mentor and mentee must invest their time, effort, and energy to make the program successful.


  • Receive monthly guidance from one or multiple experienced, successful ISACA mentors
  • Learn the benefits and the first-hand experience of being a certified IT audit / IT security professional
  • Network with other mentors and mentees in the local community and expand your professional network!
  • Have the opportunity to participate in online discussion forums with experienced cybersecurity professionals.

About Us

The ISACA Vancouver Mentorship Program supports those who are interested or new to the local Cybersecurity industry with:

  • Education on career options and cybersecurity roles
  • Networking opportunities with others in the local community
  • Advice on career / professional advancement
  • Directing community members to other chapter resources

For any inquiries, contact us at: