To advance the governance, audit, risk, privacy and information security fields, share your real-world experience with other professionals in these areas through case study articles describing key learnings and business solutions. Case studies will be published in the ISACA® Journal and on the ISACA website.
Disregard the start and end dates above. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis throughout the year.
Anticipated outcomes:
Volunteers will be SMEs who share real-world experience and understanding of how an enterprise faced a challenge, found a solution and realized a business benefit or transformation. What have you done right? What have you done differently that has led to success?
The governance, audit, risk, privacy and information security professions all face constantly evolving challenges and organizations are meeting those challenges with innovative approaches that can benefit practitioners worldwide.
Case studies featured in the ISACA Journal and on the ISACA® website will:
- Set the stage by providing context for the situation
- Discuss the key business challenge that the enterprise faced
- Give a basic overview of the product, service or solution the enterprise used to address the business challenge
- Summarize the solution’s key advantages
- Outline the positive business outcomes, including metrics, arising from the solution and benefits
Volunteers will work with ISACA editors to refine and develop the topic of a case study and be paired with writers to author the article itself.
Volunteer Criteria:
- Professional with experience in the governance, audit, risk, privacy or information security fields
- Willingness to share case study details through interviews, figures, charts, metrics and other relevant supporting data
- Willingness to work with your organization to obtain necessary permission to share examples of business challenges, solutions and metrics demonstrating success (anonymizing identifying details of an organization is acceptable)
- Geographic area representation required
- Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, and selected participants will receive credit for their volunteer service at the end of 2023.
Volunteer benefits:
- Volunteers with an ISACA certification(s) must document the time spent writing and participating in the case study process and may self-claim 1 CPE credit for each hour of activity in the category of “Publication of articles, monographs and books.”
Volunteers who are selected to submit a case study will be required to sign the Warranty and Copyright agreement. All volunteers must have an ISACA Participation Agreement on file. To see if your agreement is active, visit your volunteer profile. Access all volunteer policies here.