Our Mission and Membership

Our chapter, serving more than 800 professionals across Central Ohio, provides professional development, certifications, community and networking, advocacy and education on information systems assurance and security, enterprise governance and management of IT, and IT-related risk and compliance. This Sponsorship Program allows organizations to support the chapter and IT professionals, which in turn allows us to provide more services and higher quality events to our members.

Members come from diverse backgrounds in a variety of industries such as healthcare/life sciences, consumer products, insurance, banking, public accounting, consulting, and includes professionals from a variety of IT-related positions that include IT auditors, consultants, educators, IT security professionals, regulators, and chief information officers, just to name a few.

We hold an average of 15 events per year, including:

  • Our annual CPE day that attracts more than 100 area professionals
  • A summer golf outing and winter holiday party in collaboration with IIA Central Ohio Chapter
  • Monthly educational chapter meetings

Our website and newsletters are promoted and available to everyone in our ever-growing Chapter. ISACA Central Ohio Chapter is pleased to present our newly developed sponsorship program. We offer the sponsorship opportunities below to vendors and affiliates that align with the vision, mission, and objectives of our chapter.

Sponsorship Types

Sponsorship opportunities are available on an annual and per event basis, with packages designed to accommodate varying budgets and sponsorship objectives. For the best value, we have developed four Sustaining Tiers (Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum) that provide multiple opportunities for your organization to connect with our membership. Individual options to support monthly chapter meetings and post newsletter ads have been created to allow the flexibility to meet your unique marketing/outreach objectives.

Some sponsorship opportunities are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Those interested in sponsoring ISACA Central Ohio Chapter should review our Sponsorship Guide or contact us at sponsorship@isacacoh.org for more information. Sponsors must align with IT Audit, Risk, Security, and/or Governance in the Enterprise.

* Sponsors may support individual chapter meetings or purchase space in the chapter newsletter without investing in one of our Sustaining Tier packages

** Marquee recognition at major chapter events is limited to sponsors who already support the ISACA Central Ohio Chapter at one of our Sustaining Tiers

Our Platinum Sponsors

Our Silver Sponsors