Evolving Landscape of Privacy Compliance
The Data Privacy Act of 2012 has been in place for a decade with its IRR released in 2016. However, even after a significant amount of time has passed, compliance to the law is still limited and confusion still exists in the basic foundations of the law. As such, this talk aims to discuss some of the common points of confusion and contention in implementing the Data Privacy Act of 2012 in an attempt to clarify key points and reduce the level of confusion. Each point of clarification will be discussed with specific situations where they occur and clarification provided in relation to the stated scenario. Discussion will also be provided on recent circulars published by the National Privacy Commission that effectively evolves the privacy compliance landscape.
Target attendees include:
- Data Protection Officers
- Compliance Officers
Related attendees include:
- IT Operations
- Vendor Management
- External Relations
- Audit Team
Outline of Talk:
1. Definitions and Clarifications
1. Data in scope of the law
2. Are you a PIC or a PIP?
3. Consent vs. Notice vs. Policy
4. Data Sharing Agreement vs. Data Processing Agreement
5. Privacy Impact Assessment vs. Risk Assessment
6. Data Privacy vs. Data Protection
2. Recent NPC Circulars
1. DPO and DPS Registration System
2. Administrative Fines
3. Security Agency Handling of Visitors
*This event is exclusively FREE for ISACA Manila Members.
Non Member - Php500.00
*Subject to 12%VAT