2024-2025 Privacy Industry News article reviewer

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Signup Deadline: 24 Jun, 2024
Starts: 01 Jul, 2024
Ends: 30 Jun, 2025
Location: Online Opportunity


ISACA Industry News curates content based on a user’s topical preferences. Volunteer SMEs are necessary to review and edit articles prior to publication to ensure content is accurate and relevant for ISACA’s audience.

An article reviewer should plan to:

  • Review articles provided to you by the ISACA editorial team.
  • Critique 6-12 articles a year, providing your honest, critical assessment of the article. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the article, provide suggestions for improvement and clearly state what needs to be done to raise the level of the article. Ensure that the article addresses issues of interest or importance to privacy professionals and provides practical content, offering guidance to the author on where additional practical content may be appropriate.
  • Clearly express your decision and recommendation on the suitability of the article.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of all submitted articles’ content, substance and feedback provided.

Volunteer Criteria:

  • ISACA membership
  • High level of expertise in privacy as a professional domain
  • Proficiency in reading and writing in English

Volunteer Benefits:

  • Influence over the quality and content of one of ISACA's leading member benefits.
  • Those selected to participate can earn continuing professional education (CPE) hours for this opportunity. The number of hours is equal to the amount of time taken to review articles. Volunteers with an ISACA certification(s) must document the time spent reviewing articles and self-claim 1 CPE hour for each hour of active review in the category of “Publication of articles, monographs and books.”


All volunteers must have an ISACA Participation Agreement on file.  To see if your agreement is active, visit your volunteer profile. Access all volunteer policies here.


Knowledge and Content

Volunteers Needed:

2 (0 open slots)

Experience Required:

4 - 6 Years Industry Experience

Engagement Points:


Staff Facilitator:

Asiah Lewis

ISACA's Philosophy on Volunteer Engagement

ISACA encourages the active participation of our dedicated professional community in relevant, compelling and innovative activities at both the regional and international levels. With appreciation for the talent, expertise and experience each person contributes, volunteers and staff work collaboratively to fulfill ISACA's purpose and promise, while benefiting from incredible experiences and accomplishments that instill confidence in our professional and personal growth.