2024 ISACA Award Reviewers (2025 Global Achievement & Hall of Fame)

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Signup Deadline: 30 Jun, 2024
Starts: 15 Jul, 2024
Ends: 15 Oct, 2024
Location: Online Opportunity


Through our peer recognition ISACA Awards program, ISACA recognizes outstanding contributions that advance our professional community and exemplify our purpose and leadership. By acknowledging the inspirational individuals, organizations and programs that have a positive impact on our global society, ISACA® seeks to inspire future generations of business and technology professionals.

Volunteer reviewers will evaluate nominations and score each based on an outlined scorecard and defined metrics. The reviewer groups’ recommendations for recipients will be submitted to the ISACA Awards Working Group for final review. 

Within ISACA’s highest recognition categories, there are four awards in the Global Achievement Award portfolio recognizing industry achievements and the Hall of Fame recognizing member contributions.

  • ISACA Technology for Humanity Award
  • ISACA Educational Excellence Award
  • ISACA Inspirational Leadership Award
  • ISACA Innovative Solutions Award
  • ISACA Hall of Fame – the highest member recognition for dedicated volunteer service.

For details on the award scopes visit https://isaca.secure-platform.com/a/page/awards/aboutawards.


Until 15 August 2024

  • Help promote the nomination process for all ISACA Awards to your industry contacts, chapters and other ISACA members (deadline 15 August).

September 1-15, 2024

  • Review and evaluate the nominations online per the award reviewer guidelines (to be provided with the nomination packages.) All assigned nominations must be judged by the 15 September deadline.
  • Maintain confidentiality of all nomination content including candidates who have been nominated.
  • Recommend opportunities to ISACA staff to enhance the nomination and evaluation processes.

After 15 September, all scores will be compiled by ISACA staff and submitted to the ISACA Awards Working Group for review and recommendation of the final slate of recipients for the 2025 awards. The recipients will be announced publicly in January 2025.

Nominations for ISACA’s top honors will be assigned to accepted volunteers based on the qualifications of the applicant and an appropriate distribution of work depending on the nominations received. 

Volunteer Criteria:

  • ISACA Membership eligibility:
    • ISACA Membership preferred but not required for Global Achievement Award reviewers.
    • ISACA Membership required for Hall of Fame reviewers. Platinum or Gold membership status preferred.
  • Geographic area representation considered.
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality of all nomination data and communication related to the candidates and recipients.
  • Fair minded and unbiased approach to evaluating the nominations and selecting recipients.
  • Availability to review nominations electronically and evaluate candidates in September. The total number of candidates for review will be unknown until judging opens, but volunteers should expect to spend a significant portion of time throughout September reading and scoring nominations.

Volunteers selected as Global Achievement Award reviewers may NOT submit nominations, endorsement letters or be nominated for any 2025 Global Achievement Awards.

Volunteer Benefits:

  • Up to 15 CPE credits (max. 20 annually) in the area of Working on ISACA Boards/Committees/Working Groups to be posted to the volunteer’s ISACA account upon successfully reviewing all assigned nominations by the deadline. Failure to review all nominations will result in 0 CPE credits.
  • Help recognize outstanding achievements of colleagues and other chapters.

All volunteers must have an ISACA Participation Agreement on file.  To see if your agreement is active, visit your volunteer profile. Access all volunteer policies here.


Global Community

Volunteers Needed:

40 (0 open slots)

Experience Required:

4 - 6 Years Industry Experience

Engagement Points:


CPE Credits:


Staff Facilitator:

Melissa Swartz
Director, Membership and Community Operations

ISACA's Philosophy on Volunteer Engagement

ISACA encourages the active participation of our dedicated professional community in relevant, compelling and innovative activities at both the regional and international levels. With appreciation for the talent, expertise and experience each person contributes, volunteers and staff work collaboratively to fulfill ISACA's purpose and promise, while benefiting from incredible experiences and accomplishments that instill confidence in our professional and personal growth.