Event title: COBIT 2019 Foundation Training Workshop

Starts:  Mar 3, 2024 09:00 (UTC)
Ends:  Mar 7, 2024 17:00 (UTC)
Associated with  London Chapter
"Date: Saturday 03/03/2024- Sunday 07/03/2024
Time: 8:30 registration
Event start 9:00
Location: Zoom
Event title: COBIT 2019 Foundation Training Workshop
COBIT 2019 is the latest iteration of the industry-leading framework for governance and management of enterprise IT, and provides best practices for the governance and management of enterprise information and technology.
This course provides the knowledge needed to pass the COBIT 2019 Foundation certification exam, including a comprehensive understanding of the COBIT 2019 framework, the six key governance principles, and the components of a comprehensive governance system. You will learn about COBIT 2019’s forty governance and management objectives, how performance is managed, and how to design and implement a tailored governance system for your enterprise.
Limited to 50 attendees.
Please contact ILC Admin to register. The cost of the workshop for ISACA members is £100 and for non-members it is £300 due to the current situation but will be higher when we return to in-person events. The cost includes handouts in pdf format.
Registration via: Eventbrite or ISACA London Chapter newsletter/bulletin links
Up to 14 CPEs for ISACA members
Time schedule"


Kayode Falana
