Shall we play a game?

When:  Mar 9, 2021 from 15:00 to 16:30 (IE)
Associated with  Ireland Chapter

ISACA Ireland's next webinar topic:
Shall we play a game? What can global cyber events teach us at a local level?

Routinely we see, hear, and read about cyber events such as hacking, ransomware and theft of digital assets. The frequency and enormity of these events can be overwhelming and organisations believe that it happens very far away from our own networks and information assets, but what if we could learn from the behaviours and tactics used by the most active groups engaged in cyber-attacks, and implement those lessons in our own organisation?

Using the information obtained in this session you will also be able to make better and more informed decisions on standardised control frameworks and create evidentially based control decisions. With limited technical knowledge you will learn the basic building blocks of publicly available, browser-based tools, in order to better understand, communicate and mitigate threats to the technology deployed in your organisation.

This session will be delivered both by presentation and via hands on use of adversary emulation tools, using just your web browser.

It will appeal to anyone involved or interested in technology risk, either from an audit, management, or observer viewpoint.

Tony Hughes - Director of Cyber Security @ Ansec IA Ltd.
