Daniele Gianni - 11:45am
Daniele Gianni is a business educated versatile computer engineer who works at the intersection of IT and management, introducing novel IT tools and model-based design methods to solve new problems in various domains, such as space, banking, biomedical engineering. Gianni has worked for prestigious institutions in Europe and US, initially in research and more recently in IT management roles. Gianni holds a MS and PhD in Computer Engineering from the University of Rome TorVergata (Italy) and a MBA from Frankfurt School of Finance and Management (Germany). Currently, he is business systems analyst for an EU authority.
Topic -Data Management External stakeholders may not only constrain the use of their data to our enterprise, but they also may require essential pre-conditions to be fulfilled for sharing their own data in the first place. For information-intensive enterprises, which heavily depend on other’s data, fulfilling this trust need is a matter of survival for the enterprise itself. Consequently, this need has a crucial and broad impact on all the enterprise governance goals. This scenario is typical of highly integrated supply chains or of supranational (e.g. European or international) federations of national assets sharing sensitive data to implement new capabilities.
In this talk, we will present a model-based methodology that can be used to (i) unambiguously capture data policy requirements from external stakeholders, to (ii) ensure the compliance of the enterprise architecture with the data policy(ies); and consequently to (iii) guide the enterprise governance basing on the information needs. The methodology (already been included in the MITRE’s Enterprise Architecture Book of Knowledge) supports the fulfilment of the COBIT 2019 governance objectives by providing guidance and reference in the implementation of several management objectives. We will briefly discuss how the methodology aligns with and spans multiple COBIT 2019 governance components, and we will specifically focus on how the methodology can contribute to increase the capability level of the processes under the APO 14 management objective.