This mini-conference event takes place on 15th June between 10:00 and 13:00 and the speakers include:
Daragh Levins - Overview of TIBER and the methodology
Martin Davies - Physical Security
Gary Robinson - Vulnerability Analysis and Pen testing
Sean Hanna - Tools for the toolbox
Zoom Registration link:
The TIBER Approach - Threat Intelligence Based Ethical Red-Teaming - putting in place a programme to test and improve the resilience of financial infrastructure and institutions, at the national and European level, against sophisticated cyber-attacks.
This Mini-Conference owes its origins to the discussion within the Chapters Risk Management – Special Interest Group on the locally published Central Bank TIBER-IE Framework (Dec 2019). The EU had published guidance in May 2018 on a common framework that delivers a controlled, bespoke, intelligence led red team test of entities’ critical live production systems. Intelligence-led red team tests mimic the tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) of real-life threat actors who, on the basis of threat intelligence, are perceived as posing a genuine threat to entities.
It was felt that not only was this event suitable for those in the ‘FinTech’ business arena but would also benefit a wider audience where PEN Testing is a tool in the toolbox to protect valuable assets. Not forgotten are the risks posed by Physical Security Breaches which sometimes get neglected when the focus is on Cyber-security alone. The event will finish with an overview of one of the many tools that can be used to protect these valuable assets.