April 2024 - Madison Chapter Meeting & "PCI DSS v4.0 Is Here - Now What?" Webinar

When:  Apr 23, 2024 from 13:00 to 15:00 (CT)
Associated with  Madison Chapter

For our first meeting of 2024, we will go over intros for our new board members, an overview of our financials, and upcoming initiatives. 

The second half of the meeting will be a presentation on PCI 4.0. One (1) CPE will be earned by participating in this session.

PCI DSS v4.0 Is Here - Now What?

Now that we have passed the deadline for implementing the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council's (PCI SSC) latest version of the PCI Data Security Standard (DSS), organizations are feeling the pressure to comply. With only until April 2025 to get up to speed with all the new requirements, it's essential to have a clear understanding of what's required to be ready.
In this informative presentation, we'll explore compliance with PCI DSS v4.0 from a technical perspective, providing concrete and actionable advice to help organizations prepare for the transition. We'll give a brief overview of the PCI SSC and PCI DSS, charting their evolution over the years, and provide an in-depth look at the key changes in v4.0.
Instead of getting bogged down in marketing jargon, we'll focus on the big-ticket items that organizations need to be working on to ensure a smooth transition to v4.0. By the end of the presentation, you'll have a clear understanding of the steps you need to take to be compliant with the latest standards and secure your payment card information.

Speaker Bio:
Kyle Hinterberg is passionate about cybersecurity and PCI DSS compliance. Starting as a systems administrator, he gained expertise in server administration, networking, and vulnerability management, leading to over a decade as a blue team expert. Kyle excels in balancing technical and political aspects of compliance, providing strategic client solutions. He is committed to continuous learning and professional development, aiming to address current compliance challenges and influence future cybersecurity practices. Kyle’s goal is to inspire innovation and excellence in cybersecurity through leadership and community engagement.


Karissa Kieler
