Darknet and Cybercrime

When:  May 21, 2019 from 15:00 to 17:00 (CET)
Associated with  Sweden Chapter
Darknet and Cybercrime


Most companies have no clue that they already have been targeted by cybercriminals.

The presentation will give a quick overview of Darknet, and look into cybercrimes Zacco is combatting. It will include types of crime not known to general public or the Police force.”


Talare: Jesper Sörensen

After a versatile IT-career, in 2013, Jesper Sørensen turned his focus on fighting cybercrime targeting businesses.  One of his speciality areas is criminal activity on the Darknet and criminal underground forums.


CPE- poäng: 2

Kontakt: info@isaca.se


Zacco Malmö Arena
Hyllie Stationstorg 2