
Har du skrivit ett examensarbete inom IT-säkerhet, IT-styrning eller IT-revision - Ansök om ISACA Sweden Chapters stipendium!

ISACA Sweden Chapter delar årligen ut stipendier för examensarbete inom ISACA´s intresseområden. I år delas maximalt 3 stipendier à 5 000 per stipendium som kan användas till inköp av litteratur från ISACA.

  • IS/IT-revision,
  • IS/IT-styrning (även kallat IT Governance) eller
  • IS/IT-säkerhet.

Stipendiet skall användas till personlig utveckling (t ex konferens, utbildning, litteratur, studieresa) inom ISACA:s intresseområden. Stipendiaterna uppsatser kommer också att publiceras på ISACA:s hemsida samt publiceras med referat i föreningens nyhetsbrev.

Nomineringskommittén förbehåller sig att inte dela ut stipendier om vi inte har tagit emot uppsatser som uppfyller ställda kriterier.

Kriterier: Kriterierna för att få söka stipendium är att uppsatsen:

  • Skall omfatta ISACA's intresseområden d.v.s. IS/IT-revision, IS/IT-styrning ("IT Governance") eller IS/IT-säkerhet;
  • Skall vara på magisternivå eller motsvarande (D-nivå eller 30 poäng ECTS), vilket skall vara bestyrkt genom registerutdrag eller intyg från handledare vid ansökningstillfället;
  • Ett skriftligt och undertecknat intyg (av examinator eller handledare) som bevisar att examensarbetet har försvarats (det är inte ett krav att slutbetyget fastställs vid ansökningstillfället, men detta krävs för att priset ska ges ut)
  • Skall vara framlagd och examinerad på ett svenskt universitet eller en svensk högskola på en nationell linje eller internationellt program; 
  • Skall vara skriven på svenska eller engelska; 
  • Skall vara framlagd mellan perioden den 30 juni 2023 och 1 juli 2024 (det är inte att krav att uppsatsens betyg är slutgiltigt fastställt vid ansökningstillfället däremot ska betyget vara satt innan priser kan utdelas);
  • Följande blankett skall vara korrekt ifylld ”ISACA Sweden Chapters scholarship submission form” (klicka för att ladda ner)  ISACA_Sweden_Chapters_scholarship_submission_form.pdf
  • Pdf- eller Word-fil med examensarbetet inskickad till
  • En utsedd vinnare av stipendiet ska kunna legitimera sig med en ID-handling vid utdelandet av stipendiet.



  • Ovanstående kriterier skall vara uppfyllda.
  • Uppsatsen skall ha inkommit per e-post till, senast den 1 juli 2024 Ange namn, adress, telefonnr och e-postadress där du kan nås för all korrespondens.
  • Nomineringskommittén, vars beslut ej kan överklagas, utser de tre stipendiaterna senast den 1 november 2024
  • Stipendiaterna publiceras på föreningens webbplats.

De som tilldelas ett stipendium förväntas ge en kort presentation på ett av ISACA Sverige’s medlemsmöte (som exempelvis ISACA-dagen). ISACA Sverige publicerar även namn på den eller de som tilldelas ett stipendium. Stipendiet är personligt och kan ej överlåtas.
För ytterligare frågor om stipendiet kontakta FoU-kommitténs ordförande på e-post

Välkommen med din ansökan!

ISACA Sweden Chapter annually awards scholarships for thesis work within ISACA's areas of interest.

Have you written a thesis in IT security, IT management or IT audit? Apply ISACA Sweden Chapter scholarship.

  • IS / IT audit,
  • IS / IT governance (also called IT Governance) or
  • IS / IT security.

This year, we will award a maximum of three scholarships, each of which is worth SEK 5,000 that can be used for litteratur purchase and study material from ISACA.

The scholarship shall be used for personal development (such as, conferences, education, literature or study trips) within ISACA's areas of interest. The awarded thesis’s will also be published on ISACA's website with a summary report in the monthly newsletter.

The nomination committee reserves the right not to award scholarships unless we have received thesis´s that meet the set criteria.

Criteria: The criteria for applying for a scholarship is that the thesis:

  • Must include ISACA's areas of interest, i.e. IS / IT audit, IS / IT governance ("IT Governance") or IS / IT security;
  • Must be at the master's level or equivalent (D-level or 30 ECTS points, 20 week project), which must be supported by a register extract or certificate from the supervisor at the time of application;
  • A written and signed certificate (by the examiner or supervisor) proving that the master thesis has been defended (it is not a requirement that the final grade is determined at the time of application, final grade must be set in time for the awards ceremony)
  • Must be presented and examined at a Swedish University or a Swedish university Institute on a national line or international program;
  • Must be written in Swedish or English;
  • Must be submitted between the period of June 30, 2023 and July 1, 2024 (it is not required that the thesis's grade is finally determined at the time of application, however, the grade must be set before awards can be awarded);
  • The following submission form ”ISACA Sweden Chapters scholarship submission form” must be filled in accurately at the time of submission.  ISACA_Sweden_Chapters_scholarship_submission_form.pdf (Click to download)
  • Documentation provided in Pdf- or Word file with thesis sent to
  • The entitled winner of the scholarship shall be able to provide ID (driving license, passport) for identification at the time of award ceremony

Nomination process:

  • The above criteria must be met.
  • The thesis must have been sent by e-mail to, no later than July 1, 2024.
  • Provide your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address where you can be reached for all correspondence.
  • The Nominating Committee, whose decision cannot be appealed, nominates the three theses by November 1, 2024.
  • The scholarships are published on ISACA association's website.

Those who are awarded a scholarship are expected to give a presentation at one of ISACA Sweden's members' meeting (such as ISACA Day). ISACA Sweden also publishes the name of those awarded. The scholarship is personal and cannot be transferred.

For further questions about the scholarship, contact the R&D Committee chair at e-mail

År Namn Uppsats Universitet
2011 Felipe Castillo "AN ASSESSMENT OF THE IT GOVERNANCE MATURITY AT SL" Stockholms Universitet
2011 Petar Stanojevic "AN ASSESSMENT OF THE IT GOVERNANCE MATURITY AT SL" Stockholms Universitet
2011 Stina Sandberg Choosing the right projects - - A Lean-inspired process for IT project portfolio selection. Lund Institute of Technology,
2011 Hannes Ullman Choosing the right projects - - A Lean-inspired process for IT project portfolio selection. Lund Institute of Technology,
2013 Spyridon Dossis "Semantically-enabled Digital Investigations A method for semantic integration and correlation of digital evidence using a hypothesis-based approach." Stockholms Universitet
2015 Peder Sparell Lingvistisk knäckning av lösenordsfraser Stockholms Universitet
2016 Eugen Munteanu A Systematic Literature Review of Information Systems Auditing in Developing Countries Stockholms Universitet
2016 Kim Strandberg "Avoiding Vulnerabilities in Connected Cars a methodology for finding vulnerabilities" Chalmers University of Technology
2017 Salah Addin ElShekeil "GDPR Privacy by Design From Legal Requirements to Technical Solutions" Stockholms Universitet
2017 Saran Laoyookhong "GDPR Privacy by Design From Legal Requirements to Technical Solutions" Stockholms Universitet
2017 Mikel Izagirre Deception strategies for web application security: application-layer approaches and a testing platform Luleå University of Technology
2018 Dorien Koelemeijer Enhancing the Cyber Resilience of Critical Infrastructures by Developing an Evaluation Methodology Based on Assurance Cases Stockholms Universitet
2018 Laura Aranda A Conceptual Model of an Intelligent Platform for Security Risk Assessment in SMEs Stockholms Universitet
2018 Nils Vreman Minimizing Side-Channel Attack Vulnerability via Schedule Randomization Luleå University of Technology
2019 Elin Carlsson The MaRiQ model: A quantitative approach to risk management in cybersecurity Uppsala Universitet
2019 Moa Mattsson The MaRiQ model: A quantitative approach to risk management in cybersecurity Uppsala Universitet
2019 Rickhard Alén Measuring the Effectiveness of Information-Security Education, Training, and Awareness Stockholms Universitet
2019 Svenja Andrea Möhring Increasing the Effectiveness of Cyber Security Controls Leveraging Behavioural Science Stockholms Universitet
2019 Enkeleda Ibrahimi Increasing the Effectiveness of Cyber Security Controls Leveraging Behavioural Science Stockholms Universitet
2020 Nikolina Mrzic "Trust, but verify! The European Cybersecurity Act and conformity self-assessment within cloud security certifications" Stockholms Universitet
2020 Cecilia Olin "Trust, but verify! The European Cybersecurity Act and conformity self-assessment within cloud security certifications" Stockholms Universitet
2020 Zena Saade "Cybersecurity and its Impact on ICT-supported Sustainable Development A Systematic Literature Review" Stockholms Universitet
2020 Marta Zhegalina "Cybersecurity and its Impact on ICT-supported Sustainable Development A Systematic Literature Review" Stockholms Universitet
2021 Aastha Rohilla Adopting Practical Security Measures to Protect Vendor IIoT Manufacturing Devices Stockholms Universitet
2021 Carina Helenius "Penetration Test Automation A case study exploring penetration testers' opinions and needed functionality in automated penetration testing" Stockholms Universitet
2021 Jahangir Riaz "Penetration Test Automation A case study exploring penetration testers' opinions and needed functionality in automated penetration testing" Stockholms Universitet
2022 Rahima Khatun Kamerabevakning utan tillståndskrav på platser där allmänheten inte äger tillträde – ett hot mot den personliga integriteten? Stockholms Universitet
2022 Antonia Böhm A Security Analysis of the Password Managers Enpass, NordPass, and Sticky Password Antonia Böhm Stockholms Universitet
2023 Axel Rapp Digital Mapping of Critical Infrastructure: Design of a Component Data Collection Method for Small-Scale Power Grids Högskolan i Skövde
2023 Birgitta Landelius "The Challenges of Evaluating and Following Up on Information Security within Swedish Government Agencies: A Qualitative Case Study" Högskolan i Skövde